News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles written by Dr. Kim Hapke

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 8 of 8

  • Pushing back against cold and flu season

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Oct 17, 2017

    Most of us want to keep the number of days we are dealing with a cold or the flu to a minimum. There are ways to support the immune system naturally to prepare for the upcoming winter months and to care for ourselves if we should fall ill. The simple foundations of health cannot be ignored when trying to stay healthy through the winter. Diet and sleep are two vital influences on the immune system. You can't supplement your way out of a poor diet. Incorporating foods with lots of color in one's everyday diet ensures that the... Full story

  • Stress and the immune system

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Oct 10, 2017

    As we head into cold and flu season, many of us do so with an increased level of stress. Whatever particular cocktail of events you find stressful, it is likely you have encountered at least some of the ingredients in the last few months. Stress can take a toll on sleep, mood - and the immune system. Fortunately, there are ways to help the body recover from a period of stress that also benefit the immune system. During an event we find acutely stressful, our brain puts out a small amount of adrenaline. Our adrenals pick up... Full story

  • Is alcohol increasing your health risks?

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Apr 18, 2017

    April is Alcohol Awareness Month and a good time to examine the possible effects that alcohol may be having in our lives. Most people are aware that alcohol can be detrimental to their health. Many also have encountered people in their lives who are dependent on alcohol which is a serious health condition. Yet 9 of 10 people who drink excessively are not alcohol-dependent. In between low-risk drinkers and alcohol dependence there are many people whose drinking puts them at increased risk of harm from alcohol use. As... Full story

  • Gotta get some sleep!

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Apr 11, 2017

    Sleep is one of the foundations of health, along with diet, exercise, and breath. Its contributions to our health are often undervalued in our society. At different times in our lives competing needs to be entertained or productive or present for little ones take precedence over sleep. Being better-rested helps memory, mood, and weight control and lowers stress and inflammation. We are less accident-prone and tend to make better decisions when we are well-rested. Changes in our environment have affected the sleep of many of... Full story

  • Make friends with your microbiota

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Mar 15, 2016

    Though our intestines are sterile in the womb, through the birth process and interaction with environment our GI system is quickly colonized by many species of microbes. If the size of these entities is unimpressive, their numbers may make you think differently. The gut has 10 times as many bacterial cells as there are cells in the body. Recently, how these microbes can help or harm us has been the study of intense research. Healthy microflora synthesize vitamins, produce short-chain fatty acids which support healthy intestin... Full story

  • Winter is coming - save your skin

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Dec 8, 2015

    Winter is coming to Central Oregon and with it, its detrimental effects on our skin. Does dry, rough, chapped, itchy, and/or fragile skin, sound familiar? Adding insult to injury, when skin is less hydrated the appearance of wrinkles is worsened. Time to change up your skincare regimen to protect your skin from the harsh effects of winter. The effects of dry, cold weather are more noticeable as we age. This is due in part to declining levels of collagen, a skin protein that gives integrity and elasticity to the skin. Most... Full story

  • Does the change of seasons make you SAD?

    Dr. Kim Hapke|Updated Oct 13, 2015

    Many of us are sad to see the summer sun waning, but for sufferers of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the transition into winter is much harder. Unlike typical depression, whose symptoms can strike at any time, the mood changes of SAD reoccur at the same time each year, most typically with an onset in the fall or winter months, less commonly in spring or early summer. Common symptoms include oversleeping, fatigue, irritability, low mood, and changes in appetite and weight. Although the exact cause of the disorder is... Full story

  • Choosing a good herbal supplement

    Dr. Kim Hapke, ND|Updated Mar 31, 2015

    Recent DNA tests ordered by New York State's attorney general's office concluded four out of five herbal products selected for testing at stores such as Walgreens and Target contain none of the herbs listed on the jars. Instead they contained substances like powdered rice and house plants. Because these products are not tested regularly by the FDA, unethical companies have been getting away with this type of behavior. One course of action would be to avoid the industry entirely. That would be a shame, both for ethical... Full story

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