News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles written by Jayson Berray

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  • With my guitar by my side

    Jayson Berray|Updated Feb 16, 2016

    Lots of folks play the guitar. You might even say they're a dime a dozen, and they all come in novice and expert forms as well as anything in between. Such is especially the case in a place like Sisters where we readily celebrate music and have wonderful things like The Americana Project and the Sisters Folk Festival. Me? I say the more musicians the better. I truly believe that music is perhaps the only universal medium the world over. But that's getting slightly off-topic... My journey as a musician began in the fifth... Full story

  • The ballad of the grocery store dad

    Jayson Berray|Updated Jan 26, 2016

    Some people think they handle stress well. Reality usually tells them otherwise. You know what I'm talking about, right? Every once in a while you come across that one person who claims nothing stresses him or her out and you think, "Give me a break. You must not have children." Case in point: The other day I went on a solo trip to the grocery store with my children. We needed groceries and I needed to get the children out of the house, both for their benefit and their parents'. So we saddled up "The Batmobile," as we call... Full story

  • Appreciating - not just enduring - family

    Jayson Berray|Updated Jan 5, 2016

    Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's represent many things. Chief among them is time with family. And what can be said about family? There is an old adage that says, "You can't live with them and you can't live without them." Around this time of year, late-night talk shows poke fun at the notion that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only times you have to suffer through being with your family and then the rest of the year you can go back to living your own life. To a degree, I suppose I understand that, but on the other... Full story

  • It's good to be home

    Jayson Berray|Updated Dec 22, 2015

    My wife passed away in May of 2014, at which time our family was living in Portland. About eight months after she died I lost my job. It felt like defeat after defeat. I immediately thought about moving home where my parents live, but everything in me desired to stay in Portland to continue our established way of life. You see, I was born in Bend and raised in Sisters. I graduated from Sisters High School in 2003 and left fairly soon after that, as many young people do. So, for me the thought of returning fell into the last... Full story