News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles written by Karen Keady

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • Growing up with conspiracy theories

    Karen Keady|Updated Sep 28, 2021

    In the late 1950’s after reading J. Edgar Hoover’s “Masters of Deceit,” my mom became convinced that our neighbors were communists. (One must understand that this was post-war America, my dad a World War II veteran, the slogans, “Loose lips sink ships” still ringing in the air). We had grown up in the military, lived outside the naval base in Cavite City across the bay from Manila in the Philippines for three years, traveled and lived many places. Mom was well read and as Dad used to say, “Your mother is often wrong but nev... Full story

  • Glimpses of Sisters

    Karen Keady|Updated Jun 23, 2020

    As I got into my car the other day to head home from work the warm aroma of homemade bread welcomed me. I’d stopped at Melvin’s (AKA Oliver Lemon’s, but we all still call it Melvin’s) and bought a loaf of Sparrow Bakery sourdough bread which makes the best grilled cheese sandwich of all the breads I’ve tried. The warmth of the afternoon sun had heated the inside of my car sending the lovely aroma wafting through the air. On my way home I stopped at Sisters Meat and Smokehouse to buy chicken breasts planning to make my famous... Full story

  • Making Lemonade

    Karen Keady|Updated May 19, 2020

    The first time I heard the adage, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” it was the early 1980s during my third year of college. We were required to do a case study on a patient. That fall my clinical rotation was at a large VA hospital, rife with possibilities. Imagine my dismay when I was assigned to the mental ward, to a patient with bi-polar disorder, also referred to as manic depressive illness. I went to my nursing instructor and begged to be reassigned. The pat... Full story

  • Glimpses of Sisters: Optimism

    Karen Keady|Updated May 5, 2020

    I began writing Glimpses of Sisters when an out of town friend emailed and asked me, “So, how are things in Mayberry?” She was treated to the long answer. Today during this time fraught with angst, I want to write about optimism, which is sometimes difficult to foster, even during “normal” times. I have a “Business For Sale” sign planted in front of a business that is closed by executive order 20-12. I find that somewhat amusing and maybe a great sign of optimism — or that I am too busy painting my kitchen and doing y... Full story

  • Welcome to the new abnormal

    Karen Keady|Updated Apr 7, 2020

    A friend and colleague pointed out that ”Social Distancing” is much more difficult for extroverts than introverts. Makes sense. Sisters is a community of huggers. We don’t do the Euro thing of the double cheek buss (which always seems to be a little phony and unmeaningful); we hug. A lot. At first it sort of bothered me at social events, all of that hugging. I joined Kiwanis in 2011 and WOW! Talk about huggers! We’re great. So, now here we are, social distancing. I dislike the term, “the new normal.” It’s more like the new... Full story

  • ‘Tis the season to be beautiful

    Karen Keady|Updated Dec 3, 2019

    Unless you’re Santa, rosy cheeks are not necessarily a sign of robust health. Wintertime in Sisters can be hard on the skin, and a little knowledge goes a long way toward warding off its effects and looking and feeling our best through the holidays. We know that the epidermis is constantly being renewed, and it’s the cellular renewal process that forms lipids that create the skin’s barrier function. Mark Lees, PhD, clinical skin therapist, compares the epidermis to a brick wall. The “bricks” are the epidermal cells, th... Full story

  • Focus on good skincare as we age

    Karen Keady|Updated Sep 18, 2019

    Modern healthcare, as well as a growing interest in organic living and holistic health, have us romping into our golden years rather than crawling into a rocking chair. The result is a growing population expected to live longer than any generation before. How we live these years to come is dependent on how we live our lives today. Hiking, biking, swimming, massage, bodywork, facials, and good overall skincare can be instrumental in helping us look better and feel better as we... Full story

  • Look for non-toxic skincare options to support overall health

    Karen Keady|Updated Apr 24, 2018

    Remember the Tin Man in "The Wizard of Oz?" Buddy Ebsen was cast in the role, but he had to be replaced after the aluminum makeup used with his costume made him gravely ill. Jack Haley took the role. Haley's makeup was mixed into a creamy paste, which was then painted onto his skin. He also suffered illness, eye infections and missed work days. Debra Lynn Dadd, author and consumer advocate, states, "The personal care products we apply to our skin create toxic exposure through skin absorption." These include cosmetics,... Full story

  • Feed your face: From A to Zinc

    Karen Keady|Updated Oct 4, 2016

    Among the many ingredients in skincare products, there are only a few that really make a difference and are backed by clinical studies. The skin absorbs up to 60 percent of whatever it comes in contact with. Consequently, when chemical preservatives are included in a cosmetic, they do nothing for the skin, they merely prolong the shelf-life of the product. Many also have harmful side effects. There are nearly 82,000 different chemicals utilized in consumer products in the U.S., which accumulate in the body and in the environm... Full story

  • Protect your skin - naturally

    Karen Keady|Updated Mar 8, 2016

    As we ease into spring, the days are growing longer by a half-hour every month. Warmer weather beckons us into our yards, gardens, parks and onto nature trails to hike, bike or walk the eager hounds - hungry for the sun. Protecting our skin from the elements during outside activities, protection from the soil we love, and the sunshine we crave is something many people neglect, or simply forget to do. Even worse, they use products containing harsh and toxic chemicals. The skin is the first barrier of defense against an... Full story

  • Understanding holistic skincare

    Karen Keady|Updated Oct 14, 2014

    We humans are living longer, yet poor diet choices plus environmental changes are negatively affecting our bodies and our skin health. The skin is usually the first organ to show dramatic changes due to stress, hormonal fluctuations, poor nutrition, lack of hydration, and/or excess alcohol or caffeine consumption. An imbalance in thyroid hormones can cause skin changes such as flushing, uneven skin tone, redness, dry, cracking skin, fine lines and wrinkles. The skin can become coarse, thick, or puffy from fluid retention.... Full story

  • Your hormones affect your skin

    Karen Keady|Updated Mar 11, 2014

    A basic understanding of the nature of hormone chemistry and resulting skin challenges at different stages of life is beneficial. It helps us as we progress from puberty to maturity, and learn how to care for our skin at each stage. Of the five major classes of steroid hormones, estrogens are possibly the most significant in the role they play in skin health. Estrogen in our body is essential for the reproduction of collagen fibers. Collagen is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of our skin and other tissues. From abo... Full story

  • Warding off winter's impact on skin

    Karen Keady|Updated Nov 26, 2013

    Winter skin-care in Sisters Country requires extra protection against harsh weather conditions due to lower moisture levels outside plus the drying effects of indoor heating. Skin-care professionals observe seasonal changes in client's skin such as eczema, dryness, redness and itching. If the skin tends to be chronically dry, it will worsen during the winter. With oily skin you still must utilize moisturizers, but not too oily of a product. Consult with your esthetician to determine what products and winter-time skin regimen... Full story

  • Know what chemicals you're putting on your skin

    Karen Keady|Updated Mar 12, 2013

    As a skin-care professional I have spent considerable time looking at and studying the ingredients in cosmetics, deciphering product labels and trying to make healthy choices for myself, my family, and my clients. The EPA has identified 5,000 different chemicals in cosmetics, many of them toxic. Our skin acts as a giant sponge, absorbing up to 60 percent of products applied. Some preservatives in our cosmetics have been linked to the disruption of the endocrine system, to... Full story