News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles written by Mike Morgan

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 10 of 10

  • Please vote

    Mike Morgan|Updated Feb 26, 2013

    Ours might be one of the best school districts in Oregon but our state and country do not compete well internationally. We must do better or we will not be a world economic power when the next generation is old enough to vote on local option. I've long been a vocal advocate for education reform. Our district is ideal for implementing change because most teachers are excellent, there are hundreds of volunteers, and deep community support. Unfortunately, this has not resulted in significant reform. We have not used merit in... Full story

  • Conflicts matter

    Mike Morgan|Updated May 8, 2012

    My lawsuit against the Sisters School District (SSD) challenges the legality of issuing the 2007 Full Faith and Credit Obligations (FF&COs) without voter approval. The SSD is represented by the law firm Mersereau & Shannon LLP. This firm has done hundreds of FF&COs that are identical in form and substance to the obligations issued by the SSD. If I prevail, the district's lawyers could be in serious trouble for giving negligent advice to their other clients and for not declaring their conflict of interest to the SSD. When I... Full story

  • Conflicts matter

    Mike Morgan|Updated May 8, 2012

    My lawsuit against the Sisters School District (SSD) challenges the legality of issuing the 2007 Full Faith and Credit Obligations (FF&COs) without voter approval. The SSD is represented by the law firm Mersereau & Shannon LLP. This firm has done hundreds of FF&COs that are identical in form and substance to the obligations issued by the SSD. If I prevail, the district's lawyers could be in serious trouble for giving negligent advice to their other clients and for not declaring their conflict of interest to the SSD. When I... Full story

  • Problems at City Hall

    Mike Morgan|Updated Nov 29, 2011

    Councilor Weed should be praised for having the courage to tell the truth about the dysfunction at city hall. City Manager Eileen Stein and staff tried to get a water rate increase for almost two years from two different councils and failed. The proposed increase, spread over five years, would have doubled the cost of water and increased revenue to the water fund from $450,000 to $959,000 per year. With both councils, the mayor and council president supported the proposed increase while the other councilors wanted options to... Full story

  • Rein in spending at City Hall

    Mike Morgan|Updated Mar 22, 2011

    City Hall is trying to do too much at a time when the people that have to pay for it have too little; more than half are low-income, gas is pushing $4, and the cost of groceries is going up. The mayor and city manager want to spend a million dollars over two years on improvements to the city water system recommended in a 2005 engineering study that was based on growth that has not happened. How can city leaders press to substantially increase the cost of water on top of a 20 percent increase two years ago while refusing to... Full story

  • Economic vitality or real estate development?

    Mike Morgan|Updated Oct 5, 2010

    We need new people on the Sisters City Council to effectively address economic development. There is a huge difference between economic development (vitality) and real estate development. The current council advances real estate development without understanding that economic development must occur first. There must be significant demand before lenders will fund new development projects. It's counterproductive to develop more property when inventory is high and occupancy low. This community doesn't need more homes, retail... Full story

  • Schools must be bold in downsizing

    Mike Morgan|Updated May 11, 2010

    I sent the following edited message after the Sisters School District budget meeting last week. Parents need to be involved or risk losing programs important to their kids. To: Chris Jones and Dennis Dempsey I hope you take this e-mail message as constructive observation and comment. Last night the message I heard from both of you was any more cuts will result in the elimination of programs and services that will horribly affect some of our children for the rest of their lives. This might be a good message when you're trying... Full story

  • McKenzie Meadows annexation problematic

    Mike Morgan|Updated Nov 24, 2009

    The McKenzie Meadows Village (MMV) 30-acre annexation agreement was approved by a council vote that included three members supported by a Political Action Committee funded in large part by the owners of MMV. Two councilors disclosed business and financial relationships with one or more of those owners. Bill Merrill changed his vote in last-minute negotiations to get a better deal for the city. He was successful in getting language removed allowing commercial uses (think convenience store or fast food joint) and he got the... Full story

  • Apathy equals higher taxes

    Mike Morgan|Updated Jan 27, 2009

    Our school board just doesn't get it. We're in a deep recession, some folks are in serious trouble, and there is stiff competition for our tax dollars. Our school and community leaders claim we have the best district in the state. Therefore, it seems logical the district could give up a little to make a little more available to the elderly, handicapped, mentally ill, and parents that can't adequately care for their kids. It's extremely arrogant to assume schools are the only need in this community. Next year, if the local... Full story

  • Cover-up and spin

    Mike Morgan|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    School district board members should carry out their duties with honesty, integrity and accountability. They should be positive role models for our children. On December 14, 2007, I sent an e-mail to superintendent Elaine Drakulich and board chair Mike Gould requesting a meeting to resolve outstanding issues regarding my complaint to the Ethics Commission. I received no response. At issue is the dismissal of my complaint regarding the October 23, 2006, executive session specific to Superintendent Thonstad. I am not contesting... Full story