News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the February 9, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Mentors make a difference for youth

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Circle of Friends makes a significant difference in the lives of Sisters youth. And they find that in uplifting the life of the child, their own life is uplifted. "It's that old cliché," says mentor Mark Maboll. "I get more out of it than they do." Sisters' youth mentorship program Circle of Friends is seeking volunteers to mentor Sisters youth. Circle of Friends uplifts young folks in need of a hand by providing mentors with a long-term commitment to provide positive exp... Full story

  • Preparing for the megaquake

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    January 26, 1700, approximately 9 p.m. - The earth ruptures, coming unzipped along 600 miles of coastline from what is now British Columbia into what is now northern California. The whole world shakes, and it seems like it will never end. Massive sections of forested coastline nearly instantly drop three to six feet, leaving giant trees embedded in salt water to die and leave ghost forests that will stand sentinel in the sand three centuries later. A tsunami will roll across... Full story

  • Roof looms large in bond discussions

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    As the Sisters School District seriously considers seeking a $10.7 million bond in May, one of the elements that looms largest in the equation is the state of the Sisters High School roof. Voters rejected a $14.5 million bond request in November 2014. A post-mortem on that failure turned up a number of voter concerns, and key among them was frustration over the portion of the bond - about $1.3 million - that was to be dedicated to replacing the now 12-year-old roof on the... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 02/10/2016

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    To the Editor: "I know it when I see it." In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart quoted this often-used colloquial expression as a test for obscenity in Jacobellis v. Ohio. Anyone, whether military or civilian that has worked with classified information as a central part of their job and sees that same information, whether on an unmarked email or a napkin "know classified when they see it"! Hillary Clinton's latest what-difference-does-it-make excuse claiming her emails weren't marked as classified sets an all-time... Full story

  • Starry Nights tickets on sale February 15

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Tickets go on sale on Monday, February 15 at 8 a.m. for a concert featuring the return of one of Starry Nights' most beloved artists - acclaimed singer-songwriter Karla Bonoff. "Starry Nights Presents An Evening With Karla Bonoff" takes place on Sunday, April 3, at The Belfry in Sisters. The event is a benefit for the Sisters Schools Foundation and will raise funds for classroom and co-curricular programs at Sisters elementary, middle, and high schools. Bonoff was the first... Full story

  • Outdoor science to be featured February 20

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Are you smarter than a monkey? COCC will happily test you and let you know. Can you ride a bike? Jon Renner is betting that you can't do it. Can you fly a plane? ENERGYneering Solutions will let you try to stay in the air on their flight simulator. Once you've gotten your wings on the simulator, you can go to the real thing and try your hand at flying a paper airplane from one end of the gym to the other end. All this will happen at the Sisters Science Fair at Sisters High School on Saturday, February 20, from noon to 4 p.m.... Full story

  • Leading journeys into the ice

    Craig Rullman|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Brent McGregor came to Oregon for the junipers, he says, but stayed for the adventures. At 63, he has climbed every volcanic peak in the Cascades, topped all three Sisters in under 12 hours, explored into the deep reaches of Central Oregon's extensive network of lava tubes and, most recently, along with his partners at Glacier Cave Adventures, has become a world-famous explorer and photographer. As a young man growing up in San Diego, Brent felt drawn to the wilds. In his... Full story

  • Contestants battle in dodgeball

    Izaak Kanzig|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    It's not your average high school pageant. The contenders for Mr. SHS and Mr. RHS (Redmond High School) faced off in the annual dodgeball competition last week, hosted by RHS. The pageant has become an event that contestants, students, faculty, and community members have come to enjoy for the last 10-plus years. What is really unique about Mr. SHS is that it is much more than a status symbol; all the proceeds and benefits from the various fundraising events organized by the... Full story

  • Alpine team scores in Giant Slalom

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    The Sisters High School Alpine Ski Team had their third Giant Slalom race of the season last Saturday at Willamette Pass Ski Resort. The Outlaws girls team moved up the rankings to sixth out of 13 teams competing in the Oregon School Ski Association league. Betsy Ausman placed eighth; Cammi Benson placed ninth; Holland Hartman was 34th, and Erryn Ricker 46th. "Betsy skied very aggressively today, and Cammi is consistently in the top 10. Two top-10 placings gave us a lot of... Full story

  • Getting kids excited about reading

    Erin Borla|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    "It's not about teaching kids to read. It's about getting them excited about books and reading." That's how Diane Turnbull, the Central Oregon area manager for SMART, describes the program. SMART, or Start Making A Reader Today, began in 1992 and has had a site in Sisters since close to the beginning. The concept is simple: pairing one adult volunteer with one child to build a love for reading at an early age. SMART volunteers read one-on-one with students twice weekly during... Full story

  • Sisters bridge group to offer beginner lessons

    Craig Eisenbeis|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    The Sisters Bridge Club, which has a history going back more than 30 years, is thriving. Later this month, the group will be offering free bridge lessons. Just three years ago, however, the organization was in danger of fizzling out. "We had lost some of our older players," said Susan Sandberg, current co-organizer for the group, "and new people weren't taking their places." In late 2012, the group sometimes had a hard time mustering just two tables (eight players); and,... Full story

  • Reading program key to student success

    Erin Borla|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Students at Sisters Elementary School have a team of people looking to ensure all students are provided the instructional support they need to make them successful. One of the key pieces is the reading program. Stephanie Jensen, the Title I Reading Specialist, along with Kori Cantrell, the special education teacher, and other teachers and administrators work to "close the achievement gap" for all students by working together to develop reading skills early. The Federal Title... Full story

  • Sisters firefighters raise funds

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    On Saturday, members of our three local fire departments scattered throughout Sisters to raise funds for blood cancer research as part of the annual Scott Firefighter Stairclimb. Firefighters and supporters from Black Butte Ranch, Cloverdale, and Sisters-Camp Sherman fire districts collected donations to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Last year, local firefighters participated in this event which raised over $2.2 million for this charity. Firefighters could be found... Full story

  • Ace bluesman hits The Belfry next week

    Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Tommy Castro & The Painkillers, celebrating the release of their new album, "Method To My Madness," will perform at The Belfry in Sisters on Wednesday, February 17. Over the course of his four-decade career, Castro - a six-time Blues Music Award-winner - has played thousands of shows to hundreds of thousands of fans, packing seats and dance floors, always leaving them screaming for more. Hailing from the San Francisco area, Castro, along with his band The Painkillers... Full story

  • Smiling back at the Big Bad Wolf

    Craig Rullman|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." Robert Heinlein We are never more than about 72 hours from a descent into chaos... Full story

  • City of Sisters snapshot

    Sue Stafford|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    News clips of happenings around town • A new online reservation system for Creekside Campground is set to go live as soon as a few tweaks are completed. The new system should greatly reduce the workload for financial administrative assistant Julie Pieper, who said, "I am thrilled. The new system is easier for everyone involved." The new system is accessible through the City website ( The site will contain a map of the campground with photos of... Full story

  • Wrestlers struggle against Elmira

    Rongi Yost|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    The Outlaws suffered a 57-27 loss at the dual wrestling match held at Elmira on Thursday, February 4. Elmira's tough matmen were just more than the Outlaws could handle. Three Outlaws, Parker Ford, Zach Reid, and Dyut Fetrow, were the only Outlaws able to record wins. Ford (106 pounds) was able to pin Gray Canada in 1:44, Reid won by a fall in 2:59 over Scott Sanders-Anderson, and Fetrow (138 pounds) pinned Zach Russell in 2:49. Coach John Down commented, "It has been a tough season, with ups and downs, especially for the... Full story

  • Lady Outlaws demolished by Bulldogs

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    The Lady Outlaws traveled to Sutherlin on Friday, February 5, and were crushed 67-8 by the top-ranked Bulldogs. Sisters struggled from the get-go and was never able to keep up with the Bulldogs' transition offense. The Outlaws gave up many easy lay-ins and allowed Taylor Stricklin to score 36 points, 26 of which came in the first half. Sisters wasn't able to adjust in the post area, and Stricklin scored numerous easy buckets. Offensively, the Outlaws passed the ball poorly, which resulted in turnovers and easy buckets for... Full story

  • Spend this Valentine's Day with your pooch

    Jodi Schneider, Correspondent|Updated Feb 9, 2016

    Love is in the air as Valentine's Day draws near. Restaurants are gearing up for a packed house, flower companies are preparing for the busiest day of the year, and folks everywhere are pulling out all the stops to plan the perfect night for their Valentine. For some it's a joyous day to celebrate the love between two people. But for others, it is a sad or mournful day, spent wishing for what they once had or for what they have not yet found. It can be downright depressing.... Full story

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