News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the May 16, 2017 edition

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  • Stroll, parade kicked off arts weekend

    Ceili Cornelius|Updated May 16, 2017

    This past Friday Sisters turned out for the annual My Own Two Hands parade and art stroll. The event, started 17 years ago and then called "Painted Strings," has developed into a two-day event/fundraiser for the Americana Project and arts programs in the schools and other outreach programs of Sisters Folk Festival The parade and art stroll kick off the weekend through town. Art- and music-lovers strolled through town to the various art galleries and viewed some of the art... Full story

  • City manager candidates bring deep experience

    Sue Stafford|Updated May 16, 2017

    The citizens of Sisters will get a chance to get acquainted with the candidates for the city manager position at a meet-and-greet on Monday, May 22, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at FivePine Lodge & Conference Center. Citizens will have the opportunity to provide feedback to the selection committee. Light refreshments will be served. The four candidates come from near and far, with a wide variety of experience. The Nugget was able to conduct telephone interviews with each of the... Full story

  • Seeking enhancements to Whychus Creek

    Sue Stafford|Updated May 16, 2017

    Representatives of the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council (UDWC) met with the City Parks Advisory Board (PAB) at their May 3 meeting to discuss a project to consolidate and improve the approach to Whychus Creek where it runs through Sisters between the Creekside Campground and Creekside Park. That stretch of the creek is bounded by the Locust Street bridge on one end and the Highway 20 bridge on the other. In between there is erosion of the creek bank and multiple unofficial... Full story

  • Sisters hosts thousands for lacrosse

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated May 16, 2017

    They came from as far away as British Columbia, in helmets and pads and wielding netted sticks, to play a game created by the native peoples of North America. Sixty-nine teams from Idaho, Washington, California, Oregon and that squad from BC - ranging from youngsters in the third grade to high school athletes - participated last weekend in SALI, the Sisters Annual Lacrosse Invitational. Families tagged along, filling Sisters with diners and shoppers in between games. "We've... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 05/17/2017

    Updated May 16, 2017

    To the Editor: How fortunate we are in Sisters to have such dedicated people who are willing to give their time and energy to present fine chorale music for an hour program at no charge to Sisters Country. Beautiful music was performed both Friday evening and Sunday afternoon at Sisters Community Church. Stephanie King is an excellent pianist, and the choir is fortunate to have Connie Gunterman direct this year. What a gift to this little city. Bill Anttila s s s To the Editor: With more than 70 years on this planet and... Full story

  • Bring immigrants out of the shadows

    Brent Renison|Updated May 16, 2017

    Craig Rullman recently authored a column entitled "The Great Wall of Trump" which provided details drawn from his experience as a narcotics officer in California and recently released prison statistics to seemingly suggest that almost all those arrested in the drug trade were individuals in the U.S. illegally. That isn't true, and neither are his claims that immigrants just bring trouble and work for nearly nothing. According to statistics Rullman cited, there were 41,528 people incarcerated in federal facilities who were not... Full story

  • City snapshot

    Updated May 16, 2017

    • Work on the Highway20/Barclay roundabout continues to be on schedule with plans for it to be operational on Friday, May 26, the beginning of Memorial Day weekend. Barrels and cones will still be in use over the weekend. The large truck bypass will still be under construction during the summer. ODOT representative Gary Farnsworth reported to Council that, despite winter weather delays, the contractor on the project, Knife River, has been very efficient in keeping the project on schedule. The Highway 20/Barclay rou... Full story

  • Sisters Stampede race seeks volunteers

    Updated May 16, 2017

    The Sisters Stampede mountain bike race needs volunteers. From Thursday through Monday of Memorial Day weekend, the Stampede has positions for any level of involvement, from race day to post-race-day cleanup and restoration. The Stampede is known for it's small-town hospitality, it's quality of course, and the friendly faces which support the event. The cross-country mountain bike race brings in over 500 cyclists, families, and spectators to enjoy the Peterson Ridge trail system on May 27 and 28. The event is a season... Full story

  • Civil War coming to Sisters Country

    Updated May 16, 2017

    Folks in Sisters Country can step through a portal in time to catch a glimpse of life during the greatest crisis in American history - the Civil War of 1861-65. In the annual Civil War reenactment weekend set at Camp Sherman, there will be demonstrations of everything from blacksmithing to 19th century first aid at the large-scale, outdoor event Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21. This "living history" is open to the public at the House on Metolius meadow, just north of Camp... Full story

  • Jerry Peterson August 31, 1933 - May 12, 2017

    Updated May 16, 2017

    Jerry Petersen died peacefully on May 12. She was surrounded by family who will miss her deeply. She was born in Salem, Oregon, on August 31,1933. She graduated from the University of Oregon Dental School in 1957 as a dental hygienist. While there she met her husband, Robert Petersen. They married on June 22, 1957 and were looking forward to celebrating 60 years of marriage next month. Jerry and Robert owned a dental office and practiced together in Cedar Mill, Oregon.... Full story

  • Lady Outlaw golfers post best scores

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated May 16, 2017

    Emma Farley, AriAnne Griffy, and Rose Williams all posted their lowest scores of the season in the district tournament held at the Santiam Golf Club (Par 74) on Monday and Tuesday, May 8-9. The course had dried out considerably and was in much better condition than the previous week. Farley played well for the Outlaws both days of the tourney. Emma shot a 114 on Monday, and on Tuesday carded 109 for her lowest round of the year. Emma shot a 48 on the front nine, also her... Full story

  • Outlaws girls claim district track title, boys third

    Charlie Kanzig|Updated May 16, 2017

    The Sisters Outlaws girls track and field team won 11 of 17 events to defend its Sky-Em District title at Sutherlin High School last Thursday and Saturday - but it wasn't a cakewalk. The Outlaws also had second-place finishes in three events on their way to holding off Cottage Grove 175 to 170. The top two finishers in each event qualified for the OSAA State Championships set for May 19-20 at historic Hayward Field on the University of Oregon campus. Anna Bartlett got things... Full story

  • A man you never knew

    Craig Rullman|Updated May 16, 2017

    Word has reached me, carried on the wind, that Bruno Selmi, legendary owner of Bruno's Country Club in Gerlach, Nevada, has passed on. I had known that Bruno wasn't feeling well, after stopping in for a visit last year, but am forced to admit that I was nursing a strong, and stupid, hope that he might live on forever. Some eras in our lives remain so formative, so rich with experience, that our subconscious keeps them in a special place, preserved in a kind of memorial amber.... Full story

  • Outlaws capture baseball league title

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated May 16, 2017

    The Outlaws captured the Sky-Em League title last week, and will play both La Pine and Blanchet Catholic next week to prepare for the upcoming playoffs. Sisters wrapped up league play with a 12-3 record, 21-3 overall. Sisters was rocked by a 10-5 loss to Sweet Home at home in Sisters on Tuesday, May 9. Three days later the Outlaws lost 13-9 in their first game of their double-header against the Tigers at Junction City (JC), but they bounced back and won the second game... Full story

  • RED Day means giving back to local communities

    Jodi Schneider, Correspondent|Updated May 16, 2017

    Keller Williams Central Oregon reality associates shut down their offices on Thursday, May 11 for the annual RED Day effort. RED Day (Renew, Energize, Donate) is an initiative dedicated to celebrating Keller Williams Realty's year-round commitment to improving their local communities. Each year, on the second Thursday in May, tens of thousands of associates from across the country participate in a wide range of projects ranging from food and blood drives to rebuilding homes... Full story

  • Keast draws dreams for inventors

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated May 16, 2017

    If you've ever had a great idea for a product, but weren't sure how to get from idea to reality, you need to meet Brian Keast. His business name tells you what he can do for you: I Draw Dreams For Inventors. With a fertile sense of creativity and years of practical experience in computer assisted design (CAD) and 3D printing, Keast actually does a lot more than draw your dreams - he can help you work through each step in turning an idea into a viable product. "I'm just a... Full story

  • Davis wins bike in veterans raffle

    Updated May 16, 2017

    Three Sisters residents are celebrating their success in the 4th annual Sisters Band of Brothers electric bicycle raffle. In the drawing held May 10, the winning ticket was held by Kathleen Davis. Don Fullhart won the prize for second place, a $100 gift card to Takoda's Restaurant. Third place went to Beverly Halcon who received a $100 gift card to Ray's Food Place. The bicycle, provided by Blazin Saddles Bicycle Shop, is valued at $2,900. The Sisters Band of Brothers uses... Full story

  • Local chiropractor celebrating 20 years of service to Sisters

    Bethany Freudenthal|Updated May 16, 2017

    With a focus on wellness care and planning for the future, a local Sisters chiropractor is celebrating 20 years of service to residents of Sisters. It was a cold, snowy February 20 years ago when Sisters resident and chiropractor Dr. Inice Gough, along with her husband and daughter visited Oregon for the first time. They came to Sisters from Georgia through a work connection Gough's husband had, and decided to stay. "We wanted to live someplace where there was more open space... Full story

  • New shop opens the door to adventure

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated May 16, 2017

    Sisters is a town for outdoor adventure. The trails into the wilderness are all around us, and it's even taught in the classroom through the IEE (Interdisciplinary Environmental Expedition) class at Sisters High School. Enter Sharri Bertagna and her new outdoor gear emporium, Hike-N-Peaks. "When our kids went into IEE last year, I saw a true need for some outdoor gear (in Sisters)," Bertagna told The Nugget. Bertagna is an avid hiker herself, and with her son Jonathan... Full story

  • Sisters Habitat hosts sixth annual Women Build

    Updated May 16, 2017

    Rain, wind and snow didn't stop more than 50 women from landscaping and building houses during Habitat for Humanity's National Women Build Week last week. Local women from around Sisters, nine women from the Redmond Lowe's Local Hero team and young women from the Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild came out to make a difference, devoting their time to building decent and affordable housing with local families. The five-day event, hosted by Sisters Habitat for Humanity, provided... Full story

  • Cracking the diet code

    Andrew Lostcutoff|Updated May 16, 2017

    The human diet and nutritional science is a fascinating topic of discussion. The topics range from epigenetics, to evolution, to physiology - even a great deal of psychology. No matter what the topic, there is a lot to digest, no pun intended. With nutrition being such a dynamic topic, it is no wonder why many myths and anecdotes propagate. While there is certainly a virtue in pushing science to advance, it's reached by extrapolating these myths into trials and studies; sometimes the myths themselves disregard sound... Full story

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