News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the March 25, 2003 edition

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  • Sisters High School principal to step down

    Don Robinson|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Sisters High School Principal Boyd Keyser will resign his post at the end of this school year. He made his long-rumored departure plans public last week in a front-page column for The Stampede, the monthly newsletter mailed to parents and other interested residents. Keyser, 44, came to Sisters High four years ago after two years in his first job as principal, at Central High in Monmouth-Independence. He is under active consideration for several administrative posts, some outside of Oregon. "One of the tough things about... Full story

  • Umback named Sisters Rodeo Queen

    Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Rodeo Queen Sara Umback with parents John and Patti. Umback will preside over the 2003 Sisters Rodeo festivities, scheduled for June 13-15. Photo by Jim Fisher Sara Umback of Bend and Lincoln City has been selected as the 2003 Sisters PRCA Rodeo Queen following auditions held Sunday, March 23, at the Sisters Rodeo Arena. She will reign during the 63rd annual Sisters Rodeo to be held June 13-15. In addition, she will represent the Sisters Rodeo Association at other Oregon rodeos during the year, according to John Leavitt,... Full story

  • Five vie for school board seats

    Don Robinson|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    There will be contests for two of the three Sisters School Board positions to be filled in the May 20 election. Ballots will be mailed to voters early in May. When the filing deadline passed last Friday, March 21, incumbent Eric Dolson, publisher of The Nugget, was left unopposed. But two candidates have filed for the position now occupied by Sisters contractor Steve Keeton, who does not seek re-election. And two challengers signed up for the seat occupied by Board Chairman Jeff Smith, who is trying for another four-year... Full story

  • Forest Service readies prescribed burns

    Craig F. Eisenbeis|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Spring has officially arrived and, with it, the Forest Service is studying its options for the season's prescribed burns. "As soon as conditions allow, we'll start going," said Daryl Davis, Assistant Fire Management Officer for the Sisters Ranger District. "Dana Espinoza, our fuels technician, was out checking planned burn areas," said Davis. "He said it's still too damp to meet the conditions for these planned burns, but we could start within the next few days. Of course, that all depends on the weather." The Forest Service... Full story

  • City considers public facilities

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    The current middle school site could be used for a variety of public facilities. Photo by Jim Cornelius Sisters City Councilors will kick around the possibility of helping create a public facilities campus in Sisters at a workshop on Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m. According to City Administrator Eileen Stein, the idea has been floated in recent weeks that City Hall, school district administrative offices and a new library could all be located at the site of the current Sisters... Full story

  • Group seeks Costa Rican exchange

    Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Bill and JoAn Power of Partners of the Americas are seeking volunteers to host 22 retired teachers from Costa Rica. They rolled into Sisters last Friday afternoon and discussed the idea with Ric Nowak of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce. These visitors will need homes, meals and transportation in the area of Sisters for two nights and parts of three days on October 14-16. This is an opportunity for Sisters residents to become involved in a cross-cultural exchange. Planners will need to know as soon as possible who is inte... Full story

  • Small business group solves problems

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Making a small business prosper in Sisters is a lot tougher than it looks -- ask any small business owner. It helps to benefit from the experience and insight of peers. Opportunity Knocks (known to members simply as "OK") provides a forum in which business people can lay out their problems and challenges in a confidential atmosphere and get solid, practical advice from other folks who have experienced similar situations. "There's no agenda other than simply helping each... Full story

  • Trio faces combat

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Lance Corporal Kevin Haines. Photo provided Lance Corporal Kevin Haines was most likely engaged in combat in southern Iraq over the past week. "Last I heard he was in Kuwait City, next stop Baghdad," said his father, Kim Haines, of Sisters. Lance Corporal Haines is with "Charlie" Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines. "I have all the confidence in the world (that) they're going to get the job done," Kim Haines said. "Unfortunately, this has to be done. I'm really proud of him... Full story

  • Superintendent field narrows

    Don Robinson|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Sisters' next school superintendent will come from Jackson County. That much is certain. The only question is which of two finalists will get the job: Charles Hellman, superintendent of Rogue River School District, or Clayton "Doug" Jantzi, director of secondary education and director of curriculum assessment for Central Point schools. Those two emerged with the highest rankings by the Sisters School Board and lay members of the district's search committee after the five semifinalist candidates for the position were interview... Full story

  • Schools tackle controversial issues with care

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Teachers in Sisters don't shy away from controversial issues. In fact, they encourage their students to face the complicated and difficult questions of war and peace that face the whole nation. Students are vulnerable, though, and teachers have to be careful that they don't impose their own views or allow a student's views to be suppressed. And sometimes when world events are at a fever pitch, it's hard to keep students focused on school work. That could be a real problem... Full story

  • Sisters pair receive advertising awards

    Updated Mar 25, 2003

    The AdFederation of Central Oregon presented awards of merit and excellence to Sisters artist Dennis McGregor and book publisher David Banks at the Drake Awards dinner and ceremony Saturday, March 15, at Sunriver. Dennis McGregor won an award of excellence for advertising art for the 2002 "Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show poster" created for the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. He also garnered awards of merit for the "Sisters Folk Festival poster" created for the 2002 Sisters Folk Festival and for the "Sisters Bicycle Festival... Full story

  • Horse trainer holds Sisters clinic

    Kathryn Godsiff|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Richard Shrake. Photo by Kathryn Godsiff Richard Shrake, one of America's most highly regarded horsemen, lives right here in Central Oregon. Last week saw him at Cisco Stables in Sisters where he held one of his Resistance Free Training clinics. Drawing 14 participants from around the country and locally, Shrake shared his philosophy and techniques of a kinder, gentler way of training horses. Some of the participants were there with their horses, to become more adept horsepeople. Some, like Sherry Gregory of Middletown,... Full story

  • Letters, letters, letters

    Updated Mar 25, 2003

    The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday. Editor's note: War inflames... Full story

  • Opinion War is not for oil

    Jack Addison|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Nobody likes war, particularly those of us who have engaged in it in a combat role and have witnessed first hand the demise of very talented, dedicated American soldiers and airmen. But, to allow our arm chair generals to simplistically declare that this war is about oil deserves comment. Our armed forces do not go into war for sport. They want peace just as much as the "peace" demonstrators. They differ in the methodology of achieving that peace. Iraq produced at its height of production about 2.5 million barrels of oil a... Full story

  • Sisters sheriff's calls

    Updated Mar 25, 2003

    - A Sisters man got mad at noisy neighbors and allegedly threatened them. - A man complained about ATV activity tearing up the land on McKenzie Canyon Road. - Deputies arrested a Sisters woman for drunk driving, reckless driving and three counts of reckless endangering. - A Sisters youth reported his bicycle stolen. - A man reported vandalism committed on his car. - Deputies took information on a vehicle that allegedly backed into another on Cascade Avenue and then took off. - A Sisters youth earned a citation for possession... Full story

  • Sisters enjoys lively kite art stroll

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Mar 25, 2003

    Rainy weather couldn't dampen the spirits of local art lovers, who turned out to take in 25 pieces of kite-inspired art at the KiteStrings 2003 Art Stroll on Friday, March 21. The KiteStrings series of art events will culminate in an art auction, proceeds from which will benefit the Sisters Folk Festival Americana Project. The Americana Project introduces high school students to American roots music, songwriting and musicianship through interdisciplinary classes at Sisters... Full story