News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the April 5, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Rumbling in the snow on Peterson Ridge

    Charlie Kanzig|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    The 21st edition of the Peterson Ridge Rumble trail run turned out to be one for the record books, not only weather-wise, but in distance. Thanks to a heavy dumping of snow at higher elevations overnight, which continued into the race day, the normal 40-mile ultra portion of the Rumble was scaled back to 36 miles, and minutes after the runners left the starting line it was pared down another 10 miles after reports of impassable conditions on the Windigo Trail. As a result,... Full story

  • Stars over Sisters

    Kaleb Woods and Cooper Parker|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Crater is a relatively faint, small springtime constellation that is visible from our latitude here in Central Oregon. Crater is the 53rd largest constellation, taking up 282 square degrees of sky. An arrangement of eight stars defines a pattern that looks like a tilted cup. The brightest of these is Delta Crateris, an orange giant star that shines at a magnitude of 3.6. It is only slightly more massive, but 22 times larger, than our sun and lies at a distance of about 163... Full story

  • Oregon wolf

    Are more wolves roaming Sisters?

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Claims of wolf packs 13 and 14 strong are circulating in Sisters Country. The Deschutes County Farm Bureau lit up Facebook with its post on March 24 that has garnered over 450 comments and more than 800 shares. Similar social media posts on the Next Door app are being widely shared. In boldface type the post says: "Heads up. A pack of 14 wolves has been spotted in Lower Bridge. They've already killed livestock." The Farm Bureau post has generated grainy user photos. In any... Full story

  • The lost winter playground of the Skyliners

    Maret Pajutee|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    The idea took shape during a mountain tragedy. An early snowstorm in the fall of 1927 surprised two young climbers in the Three Sisters Wilderness. When their Model T was found days later, a rescue was organized which drew Oregon's finest skiers and mountaineers to remote Frog Camp, off the summit of McKenzie Pass, near Sisters. Among the best were four recent immigrants, lumber mill workers from Bend: Norwegians Chris Kostol, Nels Skjersaa, and Nils Wulfsberg, and Swede Emil... Full story

  • Wheeler selected as city manager

    Sue Stafford|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Jordan Wheeler, the current city manager in Sandy was unanimously selected by City Council to become Sisters' new city manager, pending negotiations. After making the announcement last Wednesday, Mayor Michael Preedin told The Nugget, "We didn't make this choice by ourselves. There were hundreds of people involved providing input." A community meeting on Monday, March 27 saw about 50 people attend to meet the four candidates. Several different panels, plus the City staff and... Full story

  • Fire district celebrates service

    Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Every year, members, staff, and partners of the Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District (SCSFD) spend an evening gathered together at FivePine Lodge and Conference Center for an awards banquet honoring those who serve others. From recognizing board members to presenting lifesaving awards, the evening gives the SCSFD an opportunity to honor their own in service to our community. Fire Chief Roger Johnson hosted the event from the podium with guest speaker, new Board... Full story

  • The art of rodeo on display in poster unveiling

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Dixie's on East Cascade Avenue turned into an art gallery of sorts on Friday, March 31, as dozens of Sisters Rodeo dignitaries and guests crowded into the store for the unveiling of the 2023 Sisters Rodeo poster. These posters have become collector's items over the years, and are eagerly awaited as the official start of rodeo season. While sipping champagne and recalling prior posters and rodeos, enthusiasts mingled with the 2023 Rodeo Queen Sadie Bateman. She's described as a... Full story

  • Longtime resident seeks school board seat

    Ceili Gatley|Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Jayne Simmons, candidate for Sisters School Board, has been in Sisters for over 27 years. Her sons attended Sisters schools, and now her grandchildren are in the schools. "We have a long connection with Sisters, back in the days you could go up one street and down the other, and someone would know your kids, and that's what is so great about a small town," she said. Simmons comes from a diverse background having formerly held a teaching credential in English and social... Full story

  • Crowell recounts Sisters' logging history

    Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Jim Crowell offered "An Insider's View of Local Logging, Lumber & Milling" at the March 28 Fireside Story evening hosted by the Three Sisters Historical Society at the FivePine Conference Center. With a mission to gather, preserve, and share local history, the topic of this event was a look back at the industry that changed the trajectory of the local landscape and population, having a huge and lasting impact on the future of the Sisters area. Crowell brought a fabulous slide... Full story

  • American apocalypse

    Jim Cornelius, Editor in Chief|Updated Apr 11, 2023

    A few months before we moved to Sisters in 1993, my wife Marilyn and I — along with the rest of the nation — were transfixed by the news that came out of Waco, Texas. On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) raided the compound of a religious cult known as the Branch Davidians, seeking to serve a search warrant for a massive cache of illegal firearms, and an arrest warrant for Vernon Wayne Howell, who called himself David Koresh. The Branch Dav... Full story

  • LAX kicks off season against Chiawana

    Rongi Yost|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    The boys lacrosse squad kicked off their season at home on Saturday, April 1 against Chiawana, a team out of Pasco, Washington. The team made the trip to Central Oregon on their spring break to play Sisters on Saturday and Ridgeview on Sunday. Sisters had to cancel their first two games, one due to inclement weather, and the other because too many players were gone over spring break. Unfortunately for the Outlaws, three of their players were still out of town, another was injured, and still another was ineligible. The squad... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor – 4/5/2023

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Poop fairies To the Editor: Thank you for running the article on poop fairies in last week’s Nugget. This is a growing problem. I live on Brooks Camp Road across from The Pines, and I cannot tell you how much dog poop I pick up because people think that our neighborhood is their dogs’ vacant lot to poop in. Our children run and play in this area, and too many times parents have had a terrible clean-up after a kid has tracked in someone’s dog poop. People need to be responsible on trail, but they also need to be respo... Full story

  • Sisters salutes...

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    Chuck Lesowske wrote: We want to give a big shout-out to Ana Varas, arts project coordinator for The Roundhouse Foundation. The writers’ presentation hosted at The Village in Sisters is a fantastic venue. Thank you for the space. Keynote speaker Megan Robins knows the craft of writing in third person omniscient. She engaged the class from the start and her PowerPoint presentation was right on target. What she shared with the Sisters Writers group and community was helpful and much appreciated. Submissions for “Sisters Sal... Full story

  • Wilderness permits now available

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    The Deschutes and Willamette National Forests kicked off sales of overnight permit reservations for the Central Cascades Wilderness Permit System this week. Central Cascades Wilderness Permits are required for all overnight use within the Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washington, and Three Sisters wilderness areas June 15 through October 15. As of Tuesday, April 4, 40 percent of Central Cascades Wilderness Overnight Permit reservations will be available for advanced reservation on The remaining 60 percent of overnight... Full story

  • Cultivating Community in Sisters – A living hope

    Steve Stratos|Updated Apr 6, 2023

    As we approach another Easter, millions will celebrate an event that offers hope. Resurrection. Others question the reality of this resurrection, reducing it to another religious holiday. Many recognize how our world seems broken. We struggle to find solutions; hope seems to be diminishing. These troubles — whether economic, political, sociological, or psychological — are very apparent to all. They are communicated to us daily (24/7) via all forms of media. Sometimes to an... Full story

  • SPRD seeks to renew local option

    Updated Apr 6, 2023

    The Board of Directors of Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) will seek renewal of the local option levy originally approved by the voters in 2018. The measure, 9-160, will appear on the May 16 special election ballot. The measure will renew a levy in the amount of 15 cents per $1,000 dollars of assessed property valuation. This is the same amount voters approved in 2018. According to SPRD Executive Director Jennifer Holland, the funds will support programming in three areas: child care; seniors; and youth... Full story