News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
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Oregon has received its first shipments of Remdesivir, an experimental drug that has been used to treat patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. On May 12 and May 15, Oregon received allotments of the drug, which has not been formally approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but is being used under a federally issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The EUA allows health professionals to use the drug to treat some severely ill COVID-19 patients who meet clinical criteria. Remdesivir was developed by Gilead... Full story
Bullock’s Orioles (Icterus bullock) breed in riparian and open woodlands and favor areas where the trees are large and spaced well apart or in isolated clumps. They often nest in sycamores, cottonwoods, willows, and deciduous oaks. They eat insects and other arthropods, as well as fruit and nectar. They glean insects from leaves, branches and trunks; they also pluck insects from spider webs or from the air, and take ripe fruit from bushes and trees. Bullock’s Orioles use a m... Full story
The Sisters Farmers Market, managed by the Sisters-based nonprofit organization, Seed to Table, is helping to ensure the Sisters community has access to essential, local, artisanal and nutritious goods. Thanks to The Roundhouse Foundation, the Market has launched a COVID-19 Food Aid Program to begin on the market’s opening day of June 7. Individuals who apply and are accepted into the program will be eligible to receive between 25 and 75 percent off of essential foods at the Seed to Table produce booth at the Farmers Market.... Full story
The latest “happiest countries” index came out, and there is a lesson that came out of the top countries: It’s not lack of crime, the health or the wealth of these nations that makes for happiness. It’s a simple way of living — one that many in Central Oregon abide by. It’s looking out towards the mountains, feeling the call, and getting outside. Being outside is a gift many take for granted. Being in the surroundings of nature, taking time away from life and opening up to a power greater than ourselves serves a... Full story
Sisters High School graduates who are now well into their college careers are feeling the effects of COVID-19. Universities are closed, job interviews are conducted over zoom meetings, sporting events are canceled, and happy hours with friends are held through a screen during this time of social isolation. A few Sisters High School graduates spoke with The Nugget about how they are coping with their school year being altered and what they are doing to keep busy and maintain a... Full story
Sisters GRO (Graduate Resource Organization), the local non-profit that manages dozens of scholarships for graduates of Sisters High School, has announced the addition of numerous new awards for the class of 2020 and beyond. Behind the efforts of Susan Parker and other members of the GRO board of directors, an additional 11 awards will be available for this year’s senior class. Board members worked together to identify business groups, organizations, and individuals, who looked like natural and viable supporters of new a... Full story
Spring is here. It’s heating up in Sisters, and summer is just around the corner. With the change of seasons come outdoor chores, spring cleaning and the arrival of pests for your pets. So, before you start on those seasonal chores take inventory of potential hazards for your furry friend. Dogs love spring because they get to spend more time outdoors. After being cooped up during winter, your pooch is eager to get outside and start exploring! It’s therapeutic for Rover to be... Full story
The Sisters High School chemistry classes would like to thank all those who made their balloon project possible. Sisters Eagle Airport gave the SHS chemistry classes so much support through the entire process of their balloon project this month! Thank you to the Bensons and David Campbell for graciously providing the students and mentors space to construct the payload for their experiments and tarmack space to launch the balloon on May 7. Even in these times of distance learning and social distancing, your support has... Full story
Vietnam. For many, it’s more than just a place; it’s an era. Vietnam affected the lives of an entire generation. Although I never actually set foot in the country until earlier this year, Vietnam forever changed my life. It changed — and even ended — the lives of others I knew. My family has a history of military service: my father in World War II; his father in the National Guard during World War I; and two of my great-grandfathers fought in the Civil War. So,... Full story
One Friday morning eight years ago I gave an Aggro Pass to a stranger. “Aggro” is short for aggressive, aggravated—you know, being a thoughtless jerk. Little did I know that soon I would need many a pass myself, from friends, family, and strangers. My husband biked off to work that morning, turning figure-8s in the road while our toddler son waved out the window, just like every weekday. Toddlers love things that repeat in predictable patterns. He and I had a Friday rit... Full story
In compliance with Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s current COVID-19 phased reopening schedule, the High Desert Museum and the Waterston Desert Writing Prize will hold the September 10, 2020 Prize awards ceremony virtually. The 2020 Prize winner, finalists, and the inaugural winner of the student desert writing prize will be honored at a ZOOM event at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, hosted by the Waterston Desert Writing Prize Board and the High Desert Museum. That virtual celebration will include readings, the awarding o... Full story
With Memorial Day Weekend behind us and June around the corner, the City is closely monitoring Deschutes County data of COVID-19 cases and continuing to research ways to balance safety and prosperity. Most recently, the City implemented a pilot program to learn more about the use of the right-of-way by businesses to better facilitate social distancing. This pilot program was started over Memorial Day weekend with a couple of businesses that had previously inquired and... Full story
Salem – The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) will offer limited camping at many state park campgrounds starting June 9. State park camping closed statewide March 23 in an effort to contain the spread of coronavirus and limit travel, especially to smaller communities and rural areas. A list of which campgrounds will open June 9 is still being finalized. That list will be published at by the end of May. Not all parks and all services will be available. Most of the campgrounds opening... Full story
In response to the growing need for affordable housing, nonprofit First Story, Hayden Homes, NeighborImpact and other local partners are collaborating to help three families move into new homes in Sisters. A special wall-raising event was attended under social distancing conditions by future homeowners and their family members, City of Sisters Mayor Chuck Ryan and members of the Hayden Homes and First Story teams. “As Mayor, I was very proud to participate along with C... Full story
Former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy said, “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” Reading is foundational for education and under the current coronavirus shutdown that has compelled “Distance Learning” for students, getting books into the hands of young people may be more important than ever. Parents have expressed concern about their students falling behind. Warburg sees the reading programs as a way to mitigate that conc... Full story
4 is the first year since the formation of VFW Post 8138 in August of 1946 that a public honoring of Memorial Day in Sisters had to be canceled. However, a small group of local veterans from Post 8138, American Legion Post 86, and Band of Brothers in cooperation with the City of Sisters held a short ceremony on Memorial Day at the Village Green. Our purpose was two fold: first to honor all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms in all wars. The... Full story
To the Editor: I have never met Kay Grady that I am aware of, but I think I would like to meet her when social distancing is over, and shake her hand. I viewed the ponderosa tree Kay referenced in her letter (May 20), and actually, I think it was closer to 200 years old. We also have many trees being cut in Crossroads by “modern lumberjacks,” trees that provide shade to prevent soil evaporation, habitat, and drink our septic water, which keeps it out of our crystal clear well water. The tree you referenced was probably only a... Full story
The road to recovery has started for local businesses in Sisters. They unlocked their doors on Friday May 15, the day Deschutes County moved into Phase I of the state’s reopening. For the first time in weeks many retailers welcomed people in their stores and said it’s giving them a sense of normalcy. Some small business owners in Sisters are still erring on the side of caution, sticking with curbside pickup. A couple are remaining closed. But for others, it’s business as us... Full story
For Karen Hensley, co-founder of Sisters Graduate Resource Organization (GRO), the desire to create opportunities for others had its roots in being part of a big family growing up in a small town in the Willamette Valley. “When you are one of 10 kids, you learn about giving and receiving and the need to be unselfish, so I have always had a heart to help others,” she said. Her motivation to build up a scholarship program for students in Sisters also stems from und... Full story
Central Oregon Youth Conservation Corps (COYCC) is accepting applications for summer employment right now through the end of May. Both students and crew leaders are encouraged to apply. This is a great opportunity for youth ages 16 to 18 years old to gain job skills and learn more about natural resources, while improving public lands and reducing the threat of wildfires in our community. Crew leaders will be responsible for leading youth work groups throughout the summer, mentoring and ensuring their safety while working... Full story