News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the August 24, 2004 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Walden holds forest hearing in Sisters

    Jim Fisher, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Take fast action in salvaging fire-killed and fire-damaged timber and streamline the federal review process. That was the message given by speakers at an August 18 congressional hearing held by Rep. Greg Walden at Sisters High School. Walden conducted the hearing of the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, which he chairs. About 100 people packed the SHS Lecture/Drama Room to hear testimony from seven speakers from the Forest Service, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon State University... Full story

  • Triathlon makes a splash at Suttle Lake

    David Banks, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Competitors in the cycling phase. photo by David Banks For 147 Xterra Sisters High Cascades Off-Road Triathlon competitors, Saturday morning started with a splash into the 71-degree waters of Suttle Lake. These were the elite of the first wave of 170 athletes competing in the second annual Sisters High Cascades Off-Road Triathlon. About eighty spectators and volunteers cheered on from the shore and forest setting. "It's a gorgeous venue," said Andrew Marsh, manager of the Nissan Xterra USA Points Series. "We have over 40 race... Full story

  • High school damaged by lightning

    Jim Fisher, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    A lightning storm on Friday, August 13, was probably the cause of some trouble for Sisters High School's electrical system, according to Jim Golden, assistant principal. Engineers checking the school's system last week speculate that a lightning strike on or near the school's athletic field entered the field's watering system, moved into the pumps and then followed the conduit back to the main school building. "At least two of our micro zones were toasted," Golden explained, "and that shut down our main computer that runs... Full story

  • Photographer exhibits portraits

    Conrad Weiler, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Jack Baxter with some of his "People and Places" photos. The photographer is displaying his work at the Lodge at Black Butte Ranch this summer. photo by Conrad Weiler Veteran photographer Jack Baxter has been displaying his worldwide photographs at Black Butte Ranch (BBR) this summer in a show titled "People and Places From Around The World." Each month (June-September) a new collection of Baxter's work is on display in the Sparks room at the BBR Lodge. Baxter, having traveled to over 40 countries in his 60-year photography... Full story

  • City will host second couplet workshop

    Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Sisters area residents will have another chance to weigh in on proposed couplet plans for the city at a workshop on Tuesday, August 31, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The workshop will be held at Sisters Elementary School. Local residents, business owners and others will have an opportunity to hear about the proposed Sisters couplet and review the draft Sisters Couplet Refinement Plan. The workshop will summarize public comment received at the first public workshop and present the recommended alignment. According to city officials, the... Full story

  • Sisters trekkers spend month in Nepal

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Nepali villagers inspect a stretcher provided by Sisters trekkers. photo courtesy Brad Tisdel Eight Sisters residents recently returned home after spending several weeks in the mountains of Nepal. The group delivered medical supplies and stretchers to several small villages in the Kumbu region. High school teacher Rand Runco, who spearheaded the trip, told The Nugget that all of the stretchers were built for them by Rescue Response Gear of Sisters. Elementary school teacher Mark LaMont, Americana Project Director Brad... Full story

  • Fire district receives another grant

    Jim Fisher, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Fire Chief Tay Robertson of the Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District has received confirmation that a $50,400 federal grant has been awarded the fire district to help fund the purchase of new fire equipment. Announcement of the grant came from Rep. Greg Walden's office last week. The source of the grant is the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The program is designed to help local fire agencies to be better prepared and equipped for both normal emergency services and... Full story

  • Man injured in wreck near Suttle Lake

    Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Sisters firefighters had to cut a driver out of his nearly-new Ford minivan after a head-on collision with another vehicle on Highway 20 near Suttle Lake on Sunday morning, August 22. According to Oregon State Police reports, the accident occurred when east-bound driver Ceil Colburn, 53, of Beaverton, lost control of her Jeep Liberty on wet pavement in heavy rain and fishtailed into the oncoming traffic. The Jeep struck a westbound Ford minivan driven by Larry Koenig, 57, of Salem nearly head-on. According to Sisters-Camp... Full story

  • Group's ads urge parents to face reality of teen drinking

    Jim Mitchell, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    A staged "arrest" that will be used for TAP anti-drinking ads. photo by Jim Mitchell Sisters teens drink. Yet many parents prefer to think that the problems associated with teens and alcohol won't affect their kid. A community activist group wants to get parents to think again about that assumption. The group calls itself TAP: for "Think Again Parents." Formerly known as the Community Assets Coalition Committee, the group looked for a more descriptive and dynamic name with an easily recognized acronym. Al Boyette, committee... Full story

  • Quilt raffle set at Black Butte Ranch

    Conrad Weiler, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Marti Kufchak (left), Lyn Jacobs, Barbara Mowers and Ruth Ingham, members of Peggy's Pin Pals, display raffle quilt. photo by Conrad Weiler Peggy's Pin Pals, a quilting group at Black Butte Ranch (BBR), will raffle off a one-patch quilt. The raffle will be part of the Art at the Ranch activities on Labor Day weekend, September 3-4. This is the fourth year the group of 10 women has been together and the fourth quilt they have offered. Proceeds help support Sisters High School art students and Art Guild projects at the Ranch.... Full story

  • Little Leaguer heads to Hall of Fame

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Chase Kleint is off to Cooperstown. photo by Jim Cornelius Chase Kleint of Sisters would like to make the Big Leagues someday. Whatever the future holds, the 12-year-old centerfielder can say he made it to the baseball Hall of Fame. Kleint has been selected as a member of an Oregon club team that will compete this fall in the Cooperstown Dreamspark National Invitational tournament of Champions in Cooperstown, New York, home of baseball's Hall of Fame. Selection to the Portland-based Metro Baseball Academy team is a signal... Full story

  • Pacific Crest Trail hikers still passing through Sisters area

    Jim Mitchell, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Juniper strides out near the McKenzie Summit. photo by Jim Mitchell Today is the projected date for Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) hikers "Nacho" and "Pepper" to arrive at the Canadian border after 2,650 miles on foot from Mexico (see profile in The Nugget, August 4, page 4). Kathleen Hurly ("Juniper"), from Bellingham, Washington, isn't trying to match their pace. Juniper started from Mexico on April 25, the same day as Pepper. She just hit Sisters last week. Juniper said, "Those two guys, they are fast hikers. They really go."... Full story

  • Letters, letters, letters

    Updated Aug 24, 2004

    The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday. To the Editor: Sisters is a... Full story

  • Meeting Calendar

    Updated Aug 24, 2004

    - City Council Meeting 7 p.m., 2nd and 4th Thursday each month, Sisters City Hall. 549-6022. - School Board Meeting 7 p.m., 2nd Monday each month, middle school lecture/drama room. 549-8521. - Black Butte School District Board of Directors meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., Black Butte School. 595-6203. - Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD meets for drill every Monday, 7 p.m. Sisters Fire Hall, 301 S. Elm St. 549-0771. - Sisters Kiwanis Club meets every Thursday, 7:30 a.m., Sisters Fire Hall. 549-1223. - Sisters Habitat for... Full story

  • Opinion Forest hearing missed most important points

    Tom Davis, Guest Columnist|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Congressman Walden's hearing in Sisters may have been a political success, but it failed as a forum on forest issues. The bias of many of the speakers was so transparent that it will further polarize the issues. And only invited speakers could speak. We'll be lucky if the reaction to the propaganda doesn't destroy the hard-earned credibility forest managers have been nurturing. Calling it a "hearing" was a misuse of the term. A public hearing means that the sponsor hears the public, not that the public hears the sponsor and... Full story

  • Sisters sheriff's calls

    Updated Aug 24, 2004

    - A man complained that he hit his head on a low hanging sign outside a Sisters business. He was told to take it up with the City of Sisters. - A business owner complained that fliers from another business left in doorways made a mess when the wind kicked up. Dropping off fliers happens to be a violation of the city's sign ordinance. Deputies sought to contact the offending party. - A deputy stopped and cited a man for doing 80 mph on the highway after a citizen complaint about the man's driving. - A Sisters man flipped a... Full story

  • Antique hunters undeterred by rain

    Susan Springer, Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2004

    Antique enthusiasts hunted for treasures rain or shine at the Sisters Antique Faire last weekend. photo by Susan Springer What a difference a day made for antique enthusiasts last weekend. On Saturday, shoppers packed Village Green Park to search for treasures under a sunny sky. But Sunday's rain caused some dealers to pack up their booths early and thinned out the previous day's crowds. "This is my favorite show all year!" said antique dealer Liz Dodge of Coos Bay, who remained enthusiastic even though her booth sat on wet... Full story