News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the October 21, 2008 edition

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  • Bridge over creek in limbo

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Sisters has its own "bridge to nowhere," spanning Whychus Creek between the Timber Creek and Creekside subdivisions east of Sisters Elementary School. It's not so much that the bridge doesn't go anywhere - it's just that no one can use it. The approach roads have not been built. "The holdup is that (Timber Creek developer) Bruce Forbes is responsible for finishing the bridge and building the approach roads," said City Manager Eileen Stein. The city is pretty much helpless to... Full story

  • Emergency officials plan for disaster

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    It starts with a sharp, shaking jolt. A firefighter e-mails his Chief to report the jolt and to note that he is monitoring radio traffic. Reports start coming in that chimneys have fallen over in Sisters residences. There has been an earthquake. Water is rising in Whychus Creek - and emergency officials know what that means: the glacial moraine dam at Carver Lake on the slopes of South Sister has given way and 33 million cubic feet of water is heading toward Sisters. That was... Full story

  • Economic development is key issue in Sisters

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Economic development has become a centerpiece of the hotly contested campaign for three open seats on the Sisters City Council. The issue is nothing new in Sisters. For years the question of how Sisters can attract businesses that don't detract from Sisters' small-town ambiance and natural beauty while at the same time providing "family-wage" jobs has plagued civic leaders. For Cherie Ferguson, Executive Director of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce, there is still a need... Full story

  • 10/22/2008

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    To the Editor: To the Sisters community - the Stark Family would like to express to all of you our heartfelt thanks for the help and support we have received after the tragic death of our son and brother, Ian. Without you we could not have completed the many tasks, not made the many decisions necessary. It is still a blur to us. So many have stepped forward to sit with us, feed us, bear witness to Ian's life, and kept us going in the details of life that stop for no one. Please know that we appreciate deeply and sincerely... Full story

  • Local Option - our commitment to a strong Sisters community

    Brian Witt|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Our national economy is in trouble. Locally, a weak real estate market, shrinking retirement savings and lost jobs all have made Sisters residents uneasy about the future and more cautious about spending. Why should we even consider the Local Option tax in such turbulent economic times? Because quality education is a value that you cannot just opt in and out of based on economic cycles. Sisters has excellent schools because our community has held strong to our commitment to quality education, through good and hard times. In... Full story

  • Grant makers visit Sisters for conference

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The hands that hold the purse strings for dozens of foundations gathered in Sisters last week for the 2008 regional conference of Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The event was a chance for grant-making foundations to network and refine how foundations do their work - and a chance for Sisters to showcase how one community has leveraged grant dollars into successful non-profit programs that enhance quality of life. Doug Stahm, chair of Grantmakers of Oregon... Full story

  • Council, candidates endorse Local Option

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    All five sitting city council members, and all candidates running in the fall election for three contested seats, agree on at least one thing: Sisters Country voters should renew the Local Option school levy. At a recent city council meeting, the council passed a resolution in support of the existing tax, which is up for renewal on ballots sent to voters last week. It reads in part, "the Sisters Local Option has been in place in the Sisters School District since July 2001 and has provided valuable operating funds to finance... Full story

  • Chamber hosts 'Farmers Market' auction

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual auction last Saturday. The auction was built around a "Farmers Market" theme, with a decor that spoke of harvests, with a truck spilling over with pumpkins and other gourds, cornstalks and scarecrows. Roland White helped set the ambiance with old-time fiddle music as auction attendees perused tables loaded with silent auction items ranging from pottery to Pendleton products. The silent auction carried on for an... Full story

  • Boys soccer team loses one and ties one

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Sisters lost 5-1 to Marist on Tuesday, October 14, and two days later tied Elmira 3-3. Sisters went down early in Tuesday's game against Marist and trailed 4-0 at the half. David Liming kept the Outlaws from a shutout with a goal at the 57-minute mark on a penalty kick (PK). Max Quinn was fouled inside the 18-yard box and Liming scored on the PK to close the Spartan lead to 4-1. Marist scored their final goal three minutes later and the game ended in a 5-1 loss for Sisters.... Full story

  • School enhances dramatic offerings

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Sisters Charter Academy of Fine Arts is significantly enhancing its approach to one of the fine arts: Drama. Actor and educator Derek Sitter has taken a part-time position at the school. Sitter, who has extensive experience in theater, film and TV, also teaches at Central Oregon Community College. He also has some skills as a carpenter. He converted an outbuilding next to the school into a music/performance room with a small stage, and he is building an outdoor stage behind... Full story

  • Sisters sheriff's calls...

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    • A vehicle crashed into a telephone pole at George Cyrus Road and Highway 126. There were minor injuries. • Someone broke into a local restaurant and stole cash. The incident is under investigation. • A Sisters man was arrested for violation of a restraining order by texting and calling his ex. • A deputy aided a woman who complained about a man who was harassing her. • A driver collided with a large buck, causing damage to the front driver's side of his vehicle. It didn't... Full story

  • Girls soccer team earns a shutout

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The girls soccer team shut out Elmira 5-0 at home on Monday, October 13, and two days later fell 2-0 to the Tigers at Junction City. In Monday's match-up with the Falcons, Marin Allen got the Outlaws on the scoreboard eight minutes into the game. Kelly Cole made a great cross to the middle where Allen captured the ball, took it inside the 10-yard mark and shot it into the right side of the goal.' At the 22-minute mark Amity Calvin scored and pushed the Outlaws to a 2-0 advantage. Calvin had a great shot just inside the... Full story

  • Visiting Spartans maul the Outlaws

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The Outlaws were crushed 63-30 by the Spartans on Friday, October 17. Sisters had a strong first half, but couldn't maintain the level of play needed to finish strong. Marist scored on a three-yard run in the first quarter to take a 7-0 lead. The Outlaws made a 75-yard drive at the start of the second quarter but were stopped on the goal line. The drive was highlighted by a 35-yard run by Chase Kleint. A face mask was called in the play which got Sisters to the 10-yard line.... Full story

  • Lady Outlaws take ninth straight on the hardwood

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The Lady Outlaws volleyball team notched three wins this week to push their winning streak to nine straight matches. Sisters beat La Pine on Tuesday, October 14, with scores of 25-13, 25-8 and 25-13. Two days later the Lady Outlaws trounced Elmira 25-6, 25-4, 25-6. Sisters capped the week with a 25-11, 25-5, 25-13 sweep over Junction City (JC). Sisters played a bit flat in Tuesday's match against La Pine and didn't have their usual spunk due to sickness that has affected most... Full story

  • Students act like 'Fools'

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Students are usually encouraged to show their smarts in school, but this week's production by the Sisters High School drama department has them acting like "Fools" - from Neil Simon's comic fable, "Fools," that is. "I get to act stupid all night," said James Lewis, who plays the role of Dr. Zubritsky. "It's awesome." You see, the Ukrainian village at the center of "Fools" is living under a curse that renders its inhabitants "unintelligent." The story begins when Leon, an... Full story

  • SOAR teen program is thriving

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Lined with corrugated metal walls and bright paint and surrounded by flat screen TVs, books and a billiards table, SOAR (Sisters Organization for Activities & Recreation) Teen Program Coordinator Anne Heath's office reflects what's going on around her. "Exciting things are happening here!" Heath says. There's a name change on the horizon starting January 1. "With the new name, Sisters Park and Recreation District, comes a concentration on programming for all ages," said... Full story

  • Ian Matthew Stark

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Ian Stark, 2008 graduate of Sisters High School, ended his life in search of peace. He was born at his home in Sisters on October 23, 1989, exactly six years to the day after his big brother Jim. He is survived by his four brothers, Jaxon, Jim, Jonathan and Justin; his parents Paul and Jean; and a large extended family. He loved the outdoors, camping, hiking, music, art, jewelry-making, pottery and sports - and excelled at them all. He went from kindergarten to graduation at the Sisters schools, making life-long friends... Full story

  • Skaters damage Sisters sidewalk

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    John Leavitt spent over $10,000 to put in a colored, textured sidewalk that resembles an old-time boardwalk at his shop on the corner of Cascade Avenue and Elm Street. Since then, it's been a constant battle to keep the sidewalk from being destroyed by skateboarders. It's not just that the skaters roll across the textured surface; they do jumps and tricks that punish the surface, causing it to crack and heave up. And sometimes they sit on the curb and pick at the edges till... Full story

  • Ten Friends raises funds for Nepal

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Ten Friends is inviting the community to attend their Fall 2008 "friend-raiser," on November 8. Ten Friends is a local nonprofit that assists the people of Nepal by delivering stretchers, providing water filters, assisting orphanages with bunk beds, mattresses, linens and mosquito netting. They also provide school sponsorships for Nepali children who would otherwise not be able to attend school. Ten Friends' recent projects include adopting the Himalayan Teacher Training Center that supports higher education for young women... Full story

  • McFadden was Olympic volleyball player

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    By the time she was five years old, Sisters resident Miki McFadden knew she wanted to be a volleyball player. Little did she know she would develop into an Olympian. Growing up in Hawaii in the 1950s, few sports were promoted for grade school girls. Sports that piqued Miki's interest at the time were swimming and volleyball. She dabbled in both, and played sand volleyball in a beach club. While she was a senior in high school, Hawaii sent her team, the first, to nationals in... Full story

  • Runners trek forests for Sisters Poker Run

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The fifth annual Sisters Poker Run was held on Sunday, October 19, under sunny skies. Thirty-five runners ranging from world-class athletes to those that have never run more than seven miles participated on single-track trails and dirt roads around the Sisters Country. The Sisters Poker Run is more about camaraderie than competition. The Poker Run levels the playing field, as the awards are given to the runners with the best poker hand from a card drawn at each aid station... Full story

  • Katie Estvold: an inspired artist

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    "When I get an idea I can't stop until it's done," Katie Estvold said. Sometimes she even stays up all night. Not easy when you have a husband and two children. "I make sure they always get a hot breakfast," she said with a smile. Estvold became a full-time artist three years ago after the birth of her daughter Emma. She came to Sisters with her husband, Wes, in 1998. Both were teachers at Sisters Middle School, and art took somewhat of a back seat. Her son, Nathan, came... Full story

  • Playing the construction 'game' 

    Bruce Merrell|Updated Oct 21, 2008

    Most contractors would not consider construction a "game" even in the best of times. Certainly it is anything but that in these uncertain economic times. However, the construction climate is not as bad as some may think. Although some construction firms are hurting, others are holding their own, or even growing. Cliff Landers of Ponderosa Heating & Cooling says his gross revenue is down just a bit, but he actually has more employees than a year ago. He attributes that to the... Full story

  • Storton plans Bend real estate offices

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    The Bend offices of RE/MAX Equity Group fell victim to the downturn in the real estate market last week. The RE/MAX headquarters office announced that the brokerage in the Old Mill District is shutting its doors. Peter Storton, the owner and principal broker of Sisters' RE/MAX Town & Country Realty, said that he plans to allow some of the brokers from that office to affiliate with his Sisters office - and he plans to reboot a RE/MAX presence in Bend. "There are a lot of great brokers there that have been here longer... Full story

  • Sisters business at a glance

    Updated Oct 21, 2008

    • Sisters Bakery now has doughnut and pastry delivery available on Wednesday mornings from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Parker Bennett will bring your order to your location within the city limits using eco-friendly bicycle power. Call 549-0361 to order. • The Sisters Community Garden invites the public to a benefit dinner donated by Jen and T.R. at Jen's Garden on Monday, November 3, at 6 p.m. Dinner is $50 per person, excluding beverages, with your $50 contribution going directly to relocation needs for the Community... Full story

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