News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the December 13, 2005 edition

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  • Wrestlers compete at big Culver tournament

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Dec 13, 2005

    Sisters High School wrestlers grappled on Friday and Saturday, December 9-10, at the Culver Invitational Tournament, which is known for being one of the toughest tournaments in the state. Twenty-two teams attended the event and Coach Tony Cosby thought his young team did well. Almost every wrestler won a match and scored points for the team. "I was pretty happy," said Cosby, "considering how young our team is but the harsh reality is that we only had one wrestler place." Freshman Nick Head took sixth place at 130 pounds.... Full story

  • Urban renewal funds may be used for City Hall construction

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    Acting as the city’s urban renewal agency, the Sisters City Council last week authorized the use of urban renewal borrowing power to help pay for a new city hall. The resolution adopted Thursday night allows the city to use up to $487,000 in urban renewal debt in paying the estimated total cost of $2.6 million, including land, design, site improvement and all other expenses. There is no certainty that the urban renewal funds will be needed. That depends on the availability of other sources of money and how high the bids a... Full story

  • Library move is underway

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Dec 13, 2005

    The big move is underway for the Sisters Library. The library closed its doors at the Main Avenue location on Friday, December 9, and on Monday the moving van rolled up to start transferring books, videos, CDs, computers, shelves and all the other paraphernalia of a library operation to its new location on Cedar Street at the east end of town. The library will reopen in its new, larger location on Monday, December 19. Librarian Peg Bermel and staff member Sandy McDonald were... Full story

  • Sisters coffee stand helps toy drive

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    Folks in Sisters can get a discount on their favorite coffee or other beverage while donating to a worthy cause. On Thursday and Friday, December 15-16, customers of Bright Spot Juice and Java will receive a 50-cent discount by bringing in a toy donation for the Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District and Kiwanis Club of Sisters Christmas toy drive, according to owner Deri Frazee. “For each toy donated, a customer will receive a 50- cent discount on any of our beverages, including our specials,” Frazee explained.... Full story

  • SOAR offers sports, holiday programs

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    SOAR (Sisters Organization for Activities and Recreation) has a variety of sports programs for elementary and middle school age kids this winter. Registration is now underway for: Co-ed Basketball for 3rd-5th grades; Girls Basketball for 7th-8th grades; Wrestling for 6th-8th grades. The co-ed basketball program begins January 4. There will be a boys and a girl’s league. Participants should register prior to January 4. The girls basketball program begins January 7. Teams will be playing other Central Oregon middle school t... Full story

  • Sisters deputy moves to a forest assignment

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    Deputy Alan Borland has been a police officer in Sisters since the days when the city had its own police department. Now the Deschutes County deputy sheriff formerly assigned to the City of Sisters substation has a new assignment with the sheriff’s office assisting the Forest Service in patrolling the Deschutes National Forest. The assignment was effective December 2. “This is a two-year assignment,” Borland explained. “I will be enforcing state laws while on patrol on national forest and I will also serve as eyes and ear... Full story

  • Sisters sheriff's calls

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    • A deputy was called to check out a pair of men bugling elk from a pickup truck in the Cloverdale area. The reporting party was concerned about poaching. The deputy got permission to look in the men’s truck for rifles. They were unarmed; just admiring the critters. • Deputies investigated a report of a woman furnishing alcohol to minors. • In a separate incident, deputies made several arrests for furnishing alcohol in a case that nearly left a 15-year-old Sisters boy dead from alcohol poisoning (see story, page 1). • A pai... Full story

  • Winter is a hard time

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    This is the time of year when hard times hit everyone. Mule deer flounder through snow nipping at what grasses they can dig out and nibbling at the ends of bitterbrush. Most of them are on their winter range, but unfortunately a few — hooked on “handouts” — stick around the Sisters area. It isn’t healthy for deer to hang around waiting for human handouts. Besides that, they’re terribly hard on my poor raspberry canes — waiting with grumbling bellies for someone to feed them.... Full story

  • Berray 50th Anniversary

    Updated Dec 13, 2005

    On November 12, friends and family joined in celebrating the 50th anniversary of John and Shirley Berray of Sisters. The celebration was held at Hillsboro United Methodist Church, which was the place of their wedding, November 11, 1955. The anniversary celebration included special music by two grandsons, Scott Brockett and Jayson Berray and their band, “Holding Out.” The couple has five children, 10 grandchildren and five great-grandkids. They were gifted by their chi... Full story