News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the December 14, 2022 edition

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  • Molly Baumann - the people behind SPRD

    Ceili Gatley|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Molly Baumann wears many different hats in her career and life: mom, wife, and Forest Service employee, as well as secretary for the Sisters Park & Recreation District (SPRD) board of directors. Baumann manages forest sites and forest development in Central Oregon. She oversees maintenance for sites in the Cascade Lakes area, and sites on the Deschutes River. She has been living in Sisters with her family for five years and entered service on the SPRD board to give back to... Full story

  • Sisters Folk Festival 2023 tickets go on sale

    Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Tickets to the 2023 Sisters Folk Festival (SFF) go on sale Wednesday, December 14 at 10 a.m. The Festival will take place September 29 - October 1, 2023 at seven venues around downtown Sisters. Three-day all-events tickets will be available through a tiered pricing model, with discounts given to those who purchase first. The initial 500 tickets will be offered at a $50 holiday discount for $175 (limit two per person); the next 800 tickets sold will be available at a $25 early bird discount for $200 per ticket (limit four per... Full story

  • Winter solstice walk scheduled

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Enjoy a silent meditation walk with others in your community, celebrating the longest night of the year on December 21. Sisters Community Labyrinth will begin its annual Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk with a brief gathering, then proceed through the labyrinth in silence toward the boulder at its center. Organizers ask that participants dress warmly, wear appropriate snow boots or traction devices, and bring a flashlight or electric candle. Hot beverages will be provided; parti... Full story

  • Measure 114 and constitutional law

    Pete Shepherd|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Reams of paper have already been chewed up by lawyers arguing the constitutionality of Measure 114 (2022). Forests of paper, barrels of ink, and many pages in the calendar will be consumed before Oregonians learn whether, and to what extent, the measure’s new limitations and controls on firearms will ever be enforced. Two judges recently got the process off to a rollicking and, to some, head-spinning start. Federal District Court Judge Karin Immergut denied a preliminary request to delay implementation, ruling that o... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 12/14/2022

    Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Recycling center To the Editor: Re: “Dumping a problem at center,” (The Nugget, November 23, page 3): This is a case of defining the problem over and over again, and abandoning the solution! This I know, when the [recycling center was managed by the County it was clean, unacceptable materials were not accepted, just didn’t happen. The facility was managed by an on-board staff member. As Morgan Schmidt’s campaign message said, “Give a Schmidt.” Well now, by the growing disaster displayed at the “Center” not enough users gi... Full story

  • A long walk through Sisters

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    On June 6 (D-Day), Justin “JD” LeHew and Coleman “Rocky” Kinzer, both retired U.S. Marine Corps sergeants major, set off on a cross-country American journey, from Boston, Massachusetts to Newport, Oregon. They walk in support of America’s missing and killed in action from all wars and conflicts, Gold Star families, and to highlight other charitable causes supporting veterans from all walks and challenges of life. On August 18, they were joined in Elgin, Illinois, by Marine ve... Full story

  • Planning Commission to rule on development

    Sue Stafford|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    The Sisters Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to make a decision on the controversial proposed Sunset Meadows development along Highway 242 at their meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2023. At the conclusion of the December 8 Planning Commission meeting, the public hearing on Sunset Meadows was closed, and the written record left open for submittal of additional information. With the public hearing now closed, the Planning Commission will not receive any additional... Full story

  • Schools launch mental health partnership

    Ceili Gatley|Updated Dec 14, 2022

    The Sisters School District (SSD) has quite a few new programs and updates that were presented to the school board in last week’s meeting. Students from Rima Givot’s biology classes presented an update on the Trout Creek Conservation Area (TCCA) trees that have been studied by students for many years. Students presented on the number of ponderosa pine, and western juniper trees in different one-acre plots throughout the area behind the high school. The TCCA is a 160-acre are... Full story

  • Christmas Book Flood on tap in Sisters this month

    Updated Dec 14, 2022

    Sisters’ independent bookstore is expecting a flood this holiday season —in fact, they’re causing it. “We’re big fans of the Icelandic tradition of Jolabokaflod, or the ‘Christmas Book Flood,’ in which books are given as gifts in the days leading up to Christmas and friends and family sit around, read, and enjoy each other’s company,” said Lane Jacobson, owner of Paulina Springs Books. “So much so, in fact, that we’re going to put on our own version this year, which we are dubbing the PSB Solstice Book Flood —... Full story