News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the December 17, 2002 edition

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  • Metolius fire treatment plan offered

    Craig F. Eisenbeis|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    The Forest Service hopes to create open stands that are resistant to catastrophic wildfire. Photo provided News reports seem to conjure up an image of vast destruction: the Forest Service plans to "log and burn 17,000 acres of National Forest land northwest of Sisters...." according to a recent Associated Press story. The actual plan calls for fire treatment and forest health measures similar to those already being employed throughout the Sisters region. In a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) released last week, the... Full story

  • Citizens protest crowding in Sisters

    Shane Simonsen|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Many were forced to stand at a crowded city council meeting as residents spoke out against increased density in Sisters. The strong turnout was the result of two proposed lot partitions, each of which involves an existing lot being partitioned into three separate lots: a 12,945-square-foot lot on South Pine and St. Helens and a 16,770-square-foot Habitat for Humanity lot between Maple Lane and Tamarack Lane. The lot owned by Habitat for Humanity is eligible for a 25 percent density bonus, which under current zoning is availab... Full story

  • COCC raises tuition, cuts programs

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Students would see a large tuition increase, closing of college centers and elimination of distance learning classes under proposals announced Wednesday, December 11, at the Central Oregon Community College Board of Directors meeting as part of an update of the college's plan to reduce its annual operating budget by approximately $3 million for the 2003-04 year. The Sisters College Center is also under the ax. "Determining these cuts has been a difficult, wrenching process," said College President Bob Barber. Previously, the... Full story

  • Reunited after a kidnapping

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Jack, age four... Photo provided Jacqueline Roberson has no doubt: being reunited with her son Jack after 23 years is a miracle. It's hard to explain otherwise; the odds against ever hearing from your kidnapped child again after so many years are astronomical. The call came on Thursday, December 5. Her 32-year-old son Christian phoned and told her to sit down next to her husband, Randall. Jaki was not alarmed; she knew from his voice that whatever momentous news he had, it... Full story

  • Financial Aid Night tackles college costs

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Financial Aid Night, scheduled for Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Sisters High School, will provide much of the information people need to finance a college education. College costs continue to rise at a rate much faster than the cost of living and more students than ever are relying on aid from the federal government, according to high school counselor Charlie Kanzig. "With the cost of state four-year universities approaching $15,000 per year for tuition, room, board and books, people are looking for grants,... Full story

  • SOAR raffle drawing set

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    SOAR's Superbowl Raffle drawing will be held on Friday, December 20, at The Cabana Club, SOAR's Teen Center on Locust Street. SOAR will host an open house from 5 to 7 p.m. to introduce the community to the Teen Center. Complimentary Italian sodas and coffee will be served. Raffle tickets may be purchased at the open house until the drawing at 6:45 p.m. The raffle includes airfare, lodging and two tickets to the Superbowl in San Diego, Seaworld and the San Diego Zoo. Tickets are available in Sisters at Fotos in a Flash, Ray's... Full story

  • Sisters students offer holiday child care

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Sisters High School students are offering to watch the kids on Saturday, December 21, so their parents can get out and finish their Christmas shopping. Sisters shoppers may drop their kids off at the Sisters High School cafetorium any time from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., where they will be taken care of by SHS's leadership students, free of charge. There will be movies, games, story time and snacks. If the children plan to stay through the lunch hour, parents are asked to have them bring a sack lunch. Children from infancy (six... Full story

  • Songwriters perform in Sisters

    Shane Simonsen|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Soulful singing and lyrics came to the stage as Sisters Athletic Club hosted its first musical event Thursday evening. Brad Tisdel, Brent Alan and Emily Kurn culminated a week of a Camp Caldera artists' residency in a concert which took place in the athletic club's group exercise room, which doubles as a performance venue complete with artwork and hardwood floors. Bottled beer and wine were served, with cookies and brownies. Switching instruments and lead vocal duties, the three sang their own original songs as well as a... Full story

  • Sisters duo to host holiday concert

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Doug and Katie Cavanaugh of Sisters will host a holiday concert at the Bend Community Center on Saturday, December 21, from 8 to 11 p.m. The community center is located at 1036 N.E. 5th, just off Greenwood Ave. The well-known Sisters duo will perform traditional and contemporary Christmas songs as well as selections of their original pieces and favorite folk songs. Katie Cavanaugh is a two-time finalist in the Sisters Folk Festival songwriting contest.... Full story

  • Nowak takes helm at Sisters Chamber

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Ric Nowak. Photo by Elise Gourguechon Ric Nowak has taken the post of Executive Director for the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce. Nowak, a longtime Redmond resident, was one of more than 100 applicants for the job. Chamber President Ed Fitzjarrel said Nowak impressed the board with his enthusiasm. "He convinced us that he really wanted the job," Fitzjarrel said. The board had substantially boosted the salary schedule for the position in an effort to attract quality... Full story

  • Grants will help equip new high school

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    The Sisters School District is hoping for some $840,000 in state grants to furnish the new Sisters High School, which could open as early as next fall. The state is supposed to provide funding to 8 percent of building costs, since districts aren't allowed to use construction bond money for furnishings and textbooks and the like. In reality, the grants have run as low as 2 percent due to tight budgets and many schools competing for available funds. However, with fewer schools c... Full story

  • Sisters teachers ratify two-year contract

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Sisters teachers will get a 2.1 percent boost in salary this year and 2 percent next year under a two-year contract ratified last week by the Sisters Education Association and the school board. The teachers will also receive an increase in insurance benefits with the district increasing the employer's contribution to health insurance to $675. The increases are very close to what the district had budgeted for salaries going into this year's contract negotiations. According to... Full story

  • Kiwanis Club marks 25 years

    Tessa Durdan-Shaw|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    It is hard to imagine Sisters without the local Kiwanis Club. The club provides food baskets to needy families at Christmas, as well as running a year-round food bank. Many Sisters students have gotten a boost toward college through Kiwanis scholarships. What would it be like without an organization like Kiwanis? Just ask anyone who was around 25 years ago and they'll tell you. Before Kiwanis there was no one who could so easily reach into hearts -- and pockets -- for the good of the town. On November 28, 1977 the Sisters... Full story

  • Pet Partners spread love in Sisters

    Rongi Yost|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    Dale and Irene Coats with Lucky. Photo by Rongi Yost Dale and Irene Coats, along with their golden retriever Lucky, are spreading a little unconditional love in the Sisters area. The Coats obtained Lucky just a little over a year ago, after they lost both of their golden retrievers to cancer. "Lucky was so mellow, easy going and compassionate and really seemed to love people," said Dale. Irene said, "Lucky had the greatest personality. He was so loving and we somehow wanted to use him to minister to other people. So, we took... Full story

  • Housing chief faces ethics inquiry

    Jim Cornelius|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    State investigators are looking into claims that Cyndy Cook, Executive Director of the Central Oregon Regional Housing Authority (CORHA), used vehicles and equipment for personal use, including family vacations and long-distance cell phone calls to relatives. The Redmond-based organization coordinates affordable housing projects, including the planned Tamarack Village in Sisters. The Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission would only confirm that a case has been... Full story

  • Letters, letters, letters

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday. To the Editor: Over-building and h... Full story

  • Meeting Calendar

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    - City Council Meeting 7 p.m., 2nd and 4th Thursday each month, Sisters City Hall. 549-6022. - School Board Meeting 7 p.m., 1st Monday each month, high school lecture/drama room. 549-8521. - Black Butte School District Board of Directors meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m., Black Butte School. 595-6203. - Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District Board of Directors meets the 3rd Tuesday each month, 5:30 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 301 S. Elm St. 549-0771. - Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD meets for drill every Monday, 7... Full story

  • Opinion Of Christian gentlemen

    Don Robinson|Updated Dec 17, 2002

    On Sunday, December 8, Northwest newspapers reported that former Congressman John Dellenback had died at age 84. It was a fitting Christmas story. Why does a politician's death make a Christmas story? Because this politician was a true Christian gentleman. His life illustrated an admirable way of handling the awkward relationship between religion and politics. I don't know a lot about Dellenback's family background. My impression is that, like so many modern pioneers, he was raised in the East and came West after the war. I... Full story

  • Sisters sheriff's calls

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    - Deputies responded to a head-on collision on Highway 20 west of Sisters that left several people in critical condition. - Neighbors registered concern about a domestic altercation. They fear for their own safety because the man involved has the reputation of being dangerous when he acts up. - A woman reported that her young son was out of control after being kicked out of school. - A man called 911 to report that he was having suicidal thoughts. - A golden retriever and a pig were reported wandering loose in each other's... Full story

  • Editorial

    Updated Dec 17, 2002

    The Liberals' path to nowhere If American liberals want to fight corporate control of the "homeland," they must lose their anti-business, anti-work, anti-responsibility, anti-development, anti-growth agenda that ignores the needs of working men and women around the world. They are stuck in a rut of irrelevance, with one foot in the 1930s and the other in the 1960s. They mistake business for greed, but hatred of money leads only to poverty. Opposition to change itself, for the disruption it causes, is to oppose the inevitable... Full story