News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Articles from the December 31, 2007 edition

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  • Outlaws win all-state honors

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Three Sisters Outlaws earned honors last week for an outstanding football season, which ended with a run at the state 4A title. Coach Bob Macauley won Coach of the Year standing for the state of Oregon. Record-breaking running back Cory McCaffrey was named Offensive Player of the Year, and linebacker Dominic Nieri earned Defensive Player of the Year accolades. "I think it's just tremendous," said Macauley of his players' achievements. "One because it happened to two great... Full story

  • City of Sisters pursues Tree City USA status

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Towering ponderosa pines are a signature of Sisters, as much as snowcapped mountains and a Western-themed downtown. The City of Sisters is seeking to reinforce Sisters' image as a green spot with the designation of Tree City USA. The city council passed several measures earlier this month that will enable the city to join the thousands of cities nationwide carrying that designation. The city's application with the state and the national Arbor Day Foundation was filed this... Full story

  • 2007: Fire, turmoil and achievement

    Jim Cornelius, News Editor|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    One of these years, Sisters may get by without the big story of the year involving fire and evacuation. But not in 2007. The Sisters country seemed to be poised to dodge the annual ritual of wildfire last summer, having experienced a few small lightning-sparked blazes but no major conflagrations. Then, on August 31, a plume of smoke arose over the Mt. Washington Wilderness, and we were off to the races again. The GW Fire marched relentlessly to the east, pushed by strong winds... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 01/02/2008

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    To the Editor: Regarding your article "Tainted water tests clean," (The Nugget, December 26, 2007) I'm a little confused here... Does The Nugget mean that the water coming from the wells tests clean when it comes out of the ground or that it tests clean because it's being treated with chlorine? If the water tests clean and the chlorination system's been turned off, it's news to me; many of us have been drinking bottled (or out-of-the-neighborhood) water since the contamination notice was issued on the 4th of December. As for... Full story

  • Cover-up and spin

    Mike Morgan|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    School district board members should carry out their duties with honesty, integrity and accountability. They should be positive role models for our children. On December 14, 2007, I sent an e-mail to superintendent Elaine Drakulich and board chair Mike Gould requesting a meeting to resolve outstanding issues regarding my complaint to the Ethics Commission. I received no response. At issue is the dismissal of my complaint regarding the October 23, 2006, executive session specific to Superintendent Thonstad. I am not contesting... Full story

  • Sixth graders host talent show

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Since school started in September, Sisters Middle School sixth graders have been planning, organizing and producing a fund-raiser from the ground up. Last month weeks of work bore fruit, and the results were far beyond anyone's expectations. Nearly $1,000 was raised to benefit Bethlehem Inn, Central Oregon's largest emergency homeless shelter. In finding a way to raise money to help the community, students from the "Roots and Shoots" class decided to host a talent show. The... Full story

  • School district ponders how to pay bills next year

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    At their last meeting before winter break, members of the Sisters School Board were challenged to start thinking about how the district will budget next year to meet its financial obligations. The discussion was facilitated by board member Christine Jones to help the board give direction to the budget committee. Before offering her analysis, Jones stated that her calculations are only estimates. "I don't want to be quoted as saying these are the definitive numbers for revenues and expenditures next year," she said. Based on... Full story

  • Christmas rocket free-for-all

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    While many were beginning to think about lunch after Christmas morning's heavy work of gift giving and receiving, a small group of rocketeers gathered at Sisters International Airport to fire amateur crafted missiles high into the sky. The event is held every Christmas. This year about 20 brave souls gathered together to witness and participate in the event, while dodging errant missiles. The annual adventure has its origins in a very slow and uneventful Christmas vacation in... Full story

  • Basketball team brings home trophy

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    The boys basketball team took first place at the Central Invitational Tournament held on Friday and Saturday, December 21-22. The Outlaws defeated Estacada 77-41 on Friday and on Saturday earned an 81-61 victory over Central for the championship. Sisters' defensive pressure in the first half of the game against Estacada was the key to the Outlaws quick start and early lead. Several huge three-point shots pushed Sisters to a 33-25 lead at the half. Sisters held the Rangers to just six points in the third quarter and 10 points... Full story

  • Outlaws wrestlers compete at Marist

    Rongi Yost, Correspondent|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    The Outlaw grapplers traveled to Marist on Saturday, December 22, to compete in the annual Marist Christmas Classic. The tournament is designed to insure that every wrestler gets four to five matches, as opposed to the usual format where a wrestler is eliminated after two losses. Ideally, wrestlers have several matches against opponents of equal skill levels. Kody Johns and Thomas Schantz led the Outlaws with fourth place finishes. Johns won his first three matches and then suffered a knee injury and was unable to continue.... Full story

  • Foot care nurse opens practice in Sisters

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Many of us over age 40 have noticed that our feet aren't what they used to be. After carrying our weight around for all those years, it's no surprise that feet really take a beating as we age. Now, Sisters has its own community foot care nurse on duty - and there will be a lot more happy feet walking through town. Her name is Maggie Saslow, and she's just opened Sundance Foot Care LLC, which provides routine foot care that addresses circulatory, cosmetic and comfort issues. A... Full story

  • Sisters Bakery has a touch of the Cordon Bleu

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Sisters Bakery has a new pâtissier. Her name is Laura Hall, and she comes to Sisters from the prestigious Cordon Bleu. Hall describes herself as a life-long baker, not a chef. "I do not hold the perfectionist qualities that are required of a chef," she told The Nugget. Growing up in Portland, Hall moved to Pasadena, California to attend Le Cordon Bleu, the world-renowned cooking school that incorporates classic French cooking techniques with innovative American technology... Full story

  • Sisters pastor spreads the word in Honduras

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Pastor C. Frank Fraga spreads the word of God beyond the environs of Sisters. The New Hope Christian Center minister recently traveled to Honduras for his third Crusade in the Central American country, where he also preached in 2002 and 2004. Fraga works in tandem with Pastor Bill Smith of Worldwide Crusades, an Alsea, Oregon non-profit organization that preaches the gospel and assists those is need with food, clothing, shelter, medical assistance and the like. About Smith,... Full story

  • Thomas Lawrence Boyle

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Thomas Lawrence Boyle was born March 2, 1915 in Preston, Idaho. He died peacefully at 92 years of age, December 22, 2007, with his wife Patty Smith Boyle and members of his family at his bedside. He was preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, a great-grandson, and his first wife, Winona Green Boyle, who died January 10, 1987. Tom had a fascinating life of adventure, travel and service. As a young man in 1935, he left quiet Preston, Idaho to serve as a missionary for... Full story

  • Local students compete in national math test

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Sixty sixth, seventh and eighth graders at Sisters Middle School last month competed in the Math Association of America's annual middle school national math competition, the AMC 8. The top 22 scorers were recognized at a special ceremony at the middle school on Thursday, December 20. Eighth grader Conor Greaney was singled out as the school's top competitor. He received a special commemorative pin as recognition for his outstanding achievement. "I am kind of surprised I won,"... Full story

  • Year closes with bluegrass hoedown

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    As 2007 spun down in Sisters, there was a hootenanny down at the old green barn at Pine Meadow Ranch. The Moon Mountain Ramblers provided the music with a bluegrass flair, as dancers took to the floor of the old dairy barn. The barn, a landmark in the Sisters area, comes with a colorful history from the days it was the Sisters Dairy. Since that time the barn's owner has taken on the weighty task of insulating and preparing the building so it can be used as a year-round venue... Full story

  • Sisters business at a glance

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    •Donterra Artworks is hosting a complimentary Didjeridu workshop on January 6, at 2 p.m. with Tyler Spencer of Primaltones. The gallery is located at 222 W. Hood Ave. Call 549-1299 for more information. •T & T Pizzeria will hold a "Fund-raiser Night" on Wednesday, January 9. One half of all proceeds from 4 p.m. to close will go to Sisters Christian Academy. •Update your wardrobe at Common Thread's "New Year's Sale" on Friday, January 4 through Sunday, January 6. •Sisters welcomes Carlos Sandoval and... Full story

  • Winter snows finally arrive in Sisters

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    "Let it snow" is the mantra chanted by woodsmen, sportsmen, farmers - and the folks in the cities. Snow is the elixir that makes living in Central Oregon possible. It is the lifeblood of many businesses and the water supply for thousands as it feeds streams and recharges aquifers. As the month of December started, the snowpack was well below a comfortable depth for Central Oregon. "The snowpack was only about 40 percent of what we consider normal just two weeks ago. Now, it... Full story

  • 'Charlie Wilson's War:'

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    "Charlie Wilson's War" is a movie about a world where unintended consequences define the course of history yet good intentions can still prevail. Our world. It's a fine film, in many ways an important film, based on the true and unlikely story of how we "won" the war in Afghanistan. Charlie Wilson was a hard drinking, womanizing congressman from Texas, who may have been more important to the defeat of the Soviet Empire than Ronald Reagan. Wilson was the reason tribesmen of Afghanistan were able to defeat the mighty Soviet... Full story

  • Sisters Middle School Honor Roll

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Fifth grade - 4.0: Boyle, Molly; Brugier, Margo; Christen, Emily; Earhart, Laurel; Farr, Jesse; Horton, Shawn; Hunt, Christian; Lukens, Nila; Lusby, Zachary; Miner, Annalise; Randolph, Maddi; Schlatter, Kaytrina; Sproat, Cheyenne; Stewart, Elizabeth; Wagner, Dakota; Weems, Brenna; Willits, Gabe. Arruda, Cassandra; Cardin, Kenna; Georges, Tessa; Gragert, Chance; Henderson, Jaym; Kemp, Kendra; Lewis, Rylee; Lowry, Gail; Warburton, Riley; Weiland, Maya; Abbajay, Bubba; Cyrus, Alexander; Early, Dalton; Greaney, Sean;... Full story

  • Americana Project alumni return

    Updated Dec 31, 2007

    Former Americana Project music students returned to Sisters last week to visit with each other and give back to the community that provided a foundation for many a musical career. The musicians offered an informal concert at Sisters Coffee Co. As the Americana Project, the educational outreach program of the Sisters Folk Festival, continues to grow and produce alumni, the variety at the annual event continues to expand. "This year we have about 25 who have expressed interest in playing. It is a pretty big crowd, and it is a l... Full story

  • The saw-whets are coming!

    Jim Anderson, Correspondent|Updated Dec 31, 2007

    There's a traffic jam happening in the skies between Canada and the Lower 48: thousands of saw-whet owls are on the move. But it won't do you much good to sit on the porch with your binoculars watching for them to pass by; it's all happening in the dark of night. About every 20 years or so, populations of saw-whet owls go through a significant surge in numbers. The last time was in the late '80s when I found several dead saw-whets on highways 97, 126 and 20 all winter. The... Full story