News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 80

  • Letters to the Editor 10/16/24

    Updated Oct 15, 2024

    Vote! To the Editor: Citizens of Sisters — please vote. It is our right; our privilege; our duty! Thank you. All for America. Jenny Denzer God and freedom To the Editor: Our grandson Cruz M. Bryan went over to Ukraine in July to fight for their freedom and independence. On July 15 he was killed saving six other soldiers’ lives. Many foreign soldiers are fighting to save Ukraine’s freedom also. I don’t understand why in this country millions vote for socialism and collapse of the United States every four years. I challen... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 10/09/2024

    Updated Oct 8, 2024

    Lights out! (Do it for the birds.) To the Editor: Two reasons we are so lucky to live in Central Oregon are for our potentially dark night skies, and because we live along the Pacific Bird Flyway. With a few simple choices, we can preserve these attributes and lessen our unintended consequences. Eight out of 10 bird species in North America migrate at night, relying on the stars and moon to navigate. Our electric lights reduce visibility of starry night skies for birds (and us). Artificial light can attract night-migrating... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 10/2/2024

    Updated Oct 1, 2024

    Use that turn signal To the Editor: What do you do when driving down the road and wish to turn off to the right? You signal your intent for the car behind you as a courtesy so they are safely warned you are turning. It is also telling a person who may be waiting to turn into the traffic that they may turn out. Now, the roundabout is a good mover of traffic if that logic is the same as before. When you wish to enter the roundabout you look to see where the oncoming car is going, whether it is going to continue around or is... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/25/24

    Updated Sep 24, 2024

    Mistaken identity To the Editor: Bruce Carpenter — I’m sorry you were bothered by people who thought they were addressing me. I’ve had packages I was waiting for delivered to other Bruce Campbells before which is very inconvenient, but being mistaken for someone writing a possibly controversial letter to the editor would be really annoying. I hope you weren’t hassled too bad. I used to live in Colorado ranch country and would get into friendly discussions with some of the old ranchers in the area about politics and such. M... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/18/24

    Updated Sep 17, 2024

    Conversation on houselessness To the Editor: There are many reasons why Sisters is a unique and special place, but what repeatedly stands out to me is that our community members care deeply about their hometown and are willing to put their time, energy, and passion into making the city a better place for all. We see this everyday through the abundance of volunteerism, participation, and attendance at community events, the number of nonprofits and service organizations that support or provide important functions in Sisters,... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/11/24

    Updated Sep 10, 2024

    Roundabout Tortoise To the Editor: Here’s my idea for the center artwork at the new roundabout: How about a gigantic replica of a Galapagos Tortoise? Jim Cline  Art and owls To the Editor: After reading the article in The Nugget regarding the Roundabout art project I would hope the artists would consider a tribute to the following: Our military veterans. Sisters’ history of their logging industry. History of Sisters Quilt Show and Rodeo. Save a lot of money. Relocate the horse that is presently displayed on the corner of Casc... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/4/2024

    Updated Sep 3, 2024

    Developers having a heyday To the Editor: Just received a full page glossy magazine in the mail entitled Haven. It featured million-dollar-plus homes for sale all over Oregon. Including our very own Sisters Woodlands. These developers are having a heyday at our expense, sucking our water and resources dry and destroying small communities and pricing out ordinary Oregonians. Let alone bulldozing our trees and devastating the land. If this makes you angry, please contact Governor Kotek and/or your state representative. I did.... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/28/2024

    Updated Aug 27, 2024

    Beware of scams To the Editor: I fell for a scam being operated on FB Marketplace. I was trying to buy firewood and I ended up getting scammed. Luckily it was not for a ton of money. Never give the seller any money up front. Cash on delivery only! I am working with the Deschutes County Sheriff, Facebook, Venmo, and PayPal. Since Monday, August 19, I have located and disabled a dozen different scam pages selling firewood. Once you know what to look for they are easy to spot. The first thing that happens is you will... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/21/2024

    Updated Aug 20, 2024

    Expand county commission To the Editor: I am writing to express my appreciation to those making the effort to expand the size of the Deschutes County Commission. With a current membership of only three representing the rapidly expanding population of the county, adding to the viewpoints of those representing us is long overdue. Approving this expansion is particularly critical since only one of three current commissioners shows any interest or ability to properly manage the county. The rampant violations of the county code... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/7/24

    Updated Aug 6, 2024

    Perspective on Clemens Park To the Editor: Here’s a perspective from a resident who has lived over the fence from Cliff Clemens Park for over 7 years. This park is used extensively. All of it. It has been a constant joy to witness just how delightfully and consistently it is used. I have often wished Mr. Clemens could watch with me to have the glow of knowing just how much his namesake park has meant to this community over the nearly 20 years since its dedication. He expressed a desire that trees would eventually line the b... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/31/24

    Updated Jul 30, 2024

    Food sovereignty To the Editor: In response to commentary on the Sisters Community Garden: Last week Bailey Diemer made an excellent point, one that seems to be forgotten in our current worldview: Food Sovereignty. When considering the best use of a space, how can we seriously be comparing growing our own food with cherishing a lawn? I agree with Bailey’s observation that no one uses that exceptionally large lawn. I have two young children, we play at Cliff Clemens playground. Sometimes, people walk across the lawn to get t... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/24/24

    Updated Jul 23, 2024

    Seed to Table To the Editor: As the new Executive Director at Seed to Table, I’d like to thank our community for welcoming me so warmly. Seed to Table truly is a community supported and community serving nonprofit. I look forward to continuing to meet and learn from all of our great partners, supporters, and community members. Recently, I had the honor of attending an awards ceremony with other nonprofit representatives to receive a grant from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation. This is the second year in a row we have we... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/17/2024

    Updated Jul 16, 2024

    Forest Service Shuttle Proposal To the Editor: Our Deschutes National Forest does some very good things, such as prescribed burning to clear out historically dangerous fuel loads, and the wrongly maligned Green Ridge forest management project, designed to preserve — not harm —the older growth forests. But two recent USFS proposals are a direct threat to those who enjoy hiking, horseback riding, and traditional natural activities in our taxpayer-funded forest. The Forest Service proposes to introduce to numerous trails in the... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/10/2024

    Updated Jul 9, 2024

    Community garden To the Editor: I was dismayed to learn that the city is considering Clemens Park as one of the sites for the Community Garden. The park is one of the few expansive green spaces in the city and is used by many of us on a regular basis. Perhaps they don’t realize how much the park is used for our children to run and play, for walking our dogs, the occasional neighborhood event, and just sitting and enjoying the outdoors. Removing a large portion of the beautiful lawn and surrounding the resulting dirt patch w... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/3/2024

    Updated Jul 2, 2024

    Common sense immigration To the Editor: Mass deportation as a solution for illegal or unauthorized immigration is wedging itself into our politics. That’s an impossibility and a distraction. We need a functional immigration plan. The Migration Policy Institute reports data for 11,047,000 unauthorized immigrants. Most were born in Mexico, Central or South America, or the Caribbean, some in Africa, Asia, Canada, or Europe. Of that total, 63 percent (6,933,000) have resided in the U.S. ten years or more; 33 percent (... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/26/2024

    Updated Jun 25, 2024

    Destroying America To the Editor: I appreciated Steve Woodside’s letter to the editor on June 19, where he wrote “the voting public can sit on a fence complaining about their choices in this election cycle, or they can understand where we are as a country, that there are people who actively want to destroy us from inside and outside our country.” The fact that so much threat to our country is coming from the “inside” is what is so chilling, and it is time we woke up to why that is the case. My friends, take a good hard look... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/19/2024

    Updated Jun 18, 2024

    Local newspapers To the Editor: Imagine no local newspaper in Sisters. We all love The Nugget, but what if it disappeared? That’s the world our friends in La Grande, Hermiston, Baker City, Enterprise, and John Day are facing. Their local newspapers are disappearing before the start of July. And two dozen other Oregon-owned newspapers were sold on June 1 — to a company based out of Tennessee. If history is any guide, this ownership change will not be kind to the communities these papers serve. That means no real jou... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/12/2024

    Updated Jun 11, 2024

    Housing crisis is real To the Editor: I’m writing to comment on Gary Leiser’s letter to the editor in the May 22, Nugget. It took a bit to write this to you, Mr. Leiser, because I was so shocked at your opinion. There are other people in Sisters that are retired and many wealthy. What do you define as wealthy? You should have gone to the forum on housing as you may have learned something about living in Sisters. Yes, there is a “housing crisis” for those that serve you in all businesses here. Yes, Sisters is a very desirable... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/5/2024

    Updated Jun 4, 2024

    Best president To the Editor: Jan Pray’s letter to the editor was right on. Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan, and Trump have been the greatest presidents we ever had. There is a big drive toward socialism, away from God, country, and freedom. Senator Tim Scott said this is our last chance in November to turn the country back to liberty and freedom or we are done! Some members in churches across the U.S. are advocating for socialism and removing God from the church, which grieves me. Chet Davis First responders To the Editor: We a... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/29/24

    Updated May 28, 2024

    Wolf response To the Editor: I’ll repeat: “I’m not anti-wolf nor a wolf hater.” I simply stated the wolves that were brought down out of Canada and transplanted into Yellowstone shouldn’t be introduced or brought here because we already have, or at least had, a remnant of our original Oregon wolves present in the Three Sisters Wilderness and adjacent areas that weren’t killed off in the ’40s. I found out another local saw a large dark wolf over 20 years ago too, so that’s another confirmed sighting. Why didn’t the ODFW... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/22/2024

    Updated May 21, 2024

    Crying wolf To the Editor: Two guest columnist articles printed in the May 15, 2024 edition were out of touch with science and facts. Steve Allely’s claim about “Oregon wolves” vs. “Canadian transplants” is based only on claims by untrained biased observers, not actual science. Science is based on surveys, studies, and facts based on evidence. ODFW is far more reliable about facts. A quick Internet search on wolf species verifies that the Northern Rocky Mountain wolves, 70 to 150 pounds, are the same all across the northern... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/15/2024

    Updated May 14, 2024

    Walk the talk To the Editor: I just read the guest editorial by Diane L. Hodgson in the May 1, edition of The Nugget. Ms. Hodgson was apparently triggered by a person she encountered while having a latte at Sisters Coffee whom she described as “quite intelligent” and “charming,” but made the apparent mistake of saying that he thought Trump was a “good president.” Based on her statements in her guest editorial, Ms. Hodgson did not ask the person why he thought Trump was a good president or why, in light of recent reports in... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/8/2024

    Updated May 7, 2024

    4th of July event To the Editor: I am not sure that having the 4th of July event at The Village Green Park is a good idea. There are limited areas to park. The homeowners most likely will have issues with people parking in front of their houses. Just too congested. For all the school tax money that is paid by the residents of the City of Sisters and those in the surrounding school district area why not work with the school district and use the high school grounds for this event? There is the large grass field behind the... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/1/2024

    Updated Apr 30, 2024

    AI is wrong To the Editor: Relative to a letter to the editor published in The Nugget, April 17, in which artificial intelligence (AI) is the trusted source: the misinformation perpetuated therein must not stand. Yes, when Jamie McLeod-Skinner was the city manager in Phoenix, Oregon, she was fired, but AI did not search to learn that Jamie was a whistle-blower who was attempting to hold the mayor, some city council members, and staff accountable for violations of laws and regulations both state and local. You, dear reader,... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 4/24/2024

    Updated Apr 23, 2024

    Better angels To the Editor: Tim Hockett’s guest column, “We Must Do Better” in the April 10 Nugget was beautifully written and so important. It’s a reminder of where we as a nation have been and a caution to where we’re going. Jim Cornelius, would you offer Mr. Hockett his own column? In these times, we could use someone who speaks to the “better angels of our nature.” Terry Weygandt Pets and pot To the Editor: A quick PSA for all the dog owners out there and a request for those partaking in cannabis products in public spa... Full story

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