News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

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  • Letters to the Editor 10/11/23

    Updated Oct 10, 2023

    Climate scam To the Editor: The Green New Deal and Climate Change are the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history. Our so-called authority tells us we haven’t done enough. We have the cleanest water and air. The worst offenders appear to be China and India, and the U.N. wants the USA to clean up their pollution. The environmentalists, since the 1970s, keep saying the sky is falling if we don’t do what they say. Now they say it is climate change. Well yes the climate changes, some years it is too hot and some years it is too cold... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 10/4/23

    Updated Oct 3, 2023

    Development and affordability To the Editor: The Central Oregon Daily on September 6 reported that the 2020 Census data revealed that 33 percent of the people moving to Deschutes County between 2016 and 2020 came from California and, of the other 66 percent, half came from other parts of Oregon and half from other parts of the country. The implications of this are worth pondering. Perhaps the most important is that the housing “crisis” in Deschutes County has little or nothing to do with organic demand. Instead, it is dri... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/27/23

    Updated Sep 26, 2023

    Unconditional love To the Editor: Grace and Peace to you. I understand you are having a vicious time with this homeless condition. I want to tell you a little about my beliefs and experiences regarding the homeless. The cornerstone of my beliefs is based on unconditional love. The ones I want to speak up for are the women and children. I hear there are a dozen of them attending school in Sisters. Unconditional love dictates that you will help them and shelter them. Remember that they are just like you and just like me; we... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/20/23

    Updated Sep 19, 2023

    Fishing poles To the Editor: I am responding to Terry Weygandt’s letter of September 13. To be clear, I think most people, unless you are a monster, care about the plight and suffering of others less fortunate. That said, there are two fundamental differences between conservative and liberal ideology. Conservatives feel that you are responsible for your own actions, whether they result in good or bad results. There is no such thing as luck. Secondly, they feel that it is better to give a person a fishing pole and teach t... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/13/23

    Updated Sep 12, 2023

    Haves and have-nots To the Editor: It’s all about the haves and the have-nots. The Sisters City Council vote last week against approving a warming shelter says that a majority of the Council adheres to the view that the haves are not obligated to provide assistance to the have-nots. It’s a view of callous indifference toward those of lesser means. Just let them freeze to death. The votes by City Councilors Michael Preedin, Gary Ross, and Jennifer Letz suggest the majority of citizens in Sisters believe in the fea... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 9/6/2023

    Updated Sep 5, 2023

    Truck stop? To the Editor: The furor over the proposed mega gas station and the new big apartment complex in back of Takoda’s made me think wistfully about my first of many visits, starting many years ago (1997 maybe?), to the little town of Sisters. A friend and I lived over by Ontario and we came over with our horses to camp and ride in the Cascades. It was usually hot, so we looked for a cool spot (for the animals) to park our rigs and were delighted to park under the big ponderosas back of Takoda’s, where there was foo... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/30/23

    Updated Aug 29, 2023

    More Bunkhouse Chronicle To the Editor: I firmly believe Craig Rullman is fully capable of defending himself, to say nothing of his being able to shrug off criticism. That being said, recent critics seem to feel his characterization of the current President as a “demented octogenarian bigot, who is probably a felon” is somehow to be disparaged, while calling the former President a “narcissistic whack job” is somehow laudable. The hypocrisy of these obviously biased critics is laughable. Craig is spot-on with both assessm... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor…8-23

    Updated Aug 22, 2023

    Emergency shelter To the Editor: I would like for those who have strong feelings about the proposed homeless shelter to consider the following: The town of Sisters has had an operational cold weather shelter for the past five years. This service has been conducted by local churches who are not equipped to provide the mental health services that a proper homeless shelter would. There is now a precedent set for many of the homeless among us to spend a good deal of time in those areas surrounding the churches and more... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/16/23

    Updated Aug 15, 2023

    Topic headers To the Editor: Really Mr. Cornelius? You are getting your leads from British tabloids now? A new low for The Nugget. With “Chinese” in the title, the yellow background caught my attention. When I saw “British daily tabloid,” I figured yellow journalism had been resurrected right here in Sisters. But after reading the article the tone definitely told me your rag is back in the McCarthy era of the Red Scare with paranoia abounding. The tipoff was “Parents Defending Education.” A little online research into this v... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 8/2/2023

    Updated Aug 1, 2023

    No bull To the Editor: As an avid user of our trail system, I have seen my fair share of wildlife — coyotes; bobcats; a herd of elk, etc. — but this sighting was unique for me. On a run with my dog I hear some rustling off-trail and stop to see a huge bull staring at me from 50 yards away. My first thought was “This is not normal.” He stared at me for a minute and then went on his way. Finishing the run later, the story became clear as I came upon several cowboys on horseback searching for an escaped bull from the nearby... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/26/23

    Updated Jul 25, 2023

    Grateful for those who have gone before To the Editor: Jim Cornelius’ editorial about Dave Moyer (The Nugget, July 19, page 2) hit a nerve and made me want to speak up. Not just about Dave and my time spent serving on the Sisters School District Facilities Committee with him, but about many of the recent obituaries that I felt a connection to. John Leavitt, Carla Merrell, Chuck Harper, Steve Little, Gene Carlson, Janie Buell. Amazing members of the Sisters community who I feel like I knew personally even if we’d barely met... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/19/23

    Updated Jul 18, 2023

    Remembering a contributor The first time I met Dave Moyer, he was fighting to save a man’s life. It was the first City Council meeting I covered for The Nugget as a freelance reporter — February 1994, if memory serves. The tiny council chamber was packed; the agenda featured a proposed ordinance to allow snowmobiles to ride on the streets of Sisters. As sometimes happens in Sisters, the issue had stirred some passions. Dave Moyer was presiding as mayor. Suddenly, a man who was sitting behind me pitched out of his seat and hit... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/12/2023

    Updated Jul 11, 2023

    Us vs. them To the Editor: I wish to thank Jim Cornelius for his reminder how the lack of trust between Russians and NATO allies in 1983 (“The most dangerous year,” The Nugget, July 5, page 2) nearly annihilated us. Those wise words extol us to contemplate King Mongkut’s puzzlement: “Is a danger to be trusting one another One will seldom want to do what other wishes But unless someday somebody trust somebody There’ll be nothing left on earth excepting fishes” Given the certainty of uncertainty in Eastern Europe, heeding the c... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 7/05/2023

    Updated Jul 4, 2023

    Thank you to Forest Service To the Editor: A big thank-you to our local Forest Service for their prompt response to a recent bonfire that was started and left unattended on BLM land that borders the perimeter of the Tollgate subdivision on the south side of Highway 20. Fortunately, a concerned motorist traveling on the highway reported seeing smoke. The USFS was dispatched and extinguished the fire before it had an opportunity to spread closer to nearby homes. Crisis averted for now, but it’s not difficult to imagine this s... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/28/23

    Updated Jun 27, 2023

    Just say no To the Editor: I applaud the City staff for its denial of the Space Age rebuild! Mr. Pliska’s comment that he’s “trying to be a good neighbor by doing what is right for Sisters” is laughable. As a 33-year resident, I love driving into town and seeing the flower and plant stands open, announcing that spring and summer are coming! They’re both welcoming and a down-home entrance to our little town!! The idea of a truck-stop-size gas station/mini-mart replacing that image gags me! I hope we continue to “just say... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/21/2023

    Updated Jun 20, 2023

    Keep it traditional Top the Editor: Nearly 40 years ago I built a house in the Sisters area. I was attracted here by the rustic, traditional nature of the environment and escape to the country. The proposed gas station violates every facet of country living that I can imagine. This distorted image is not the Sisters area that I knew and loved. The facsimiles of the proposal for changing remind me of a downtown exit to Los Angeles or Miami. One person’s business success and desire to expand will detrimentally affect the d... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/14/2023

    Updated Jun 13, 2023

    Sisters Rodeo To the Editor: Sisters Rodeo again demonstrated why it is a favorite PRCA rodeo for both contestants and fans. With a mostly new board of directors and the leadership of President Patty Cordoni, this production ran smoothly and appeared seamless to the fans in the stands. Cordoni even brought the Buffalo Soldiers of Seattle to the parade and the Grand Entry after seeing them at another Rodeo. This was a tribute to American history, which was so appreciated by fans. The whole week of rodeo was so inspiring,... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/31/2023

    Updated Jun 6, 2023

    Sisters Community Garden To the Editor: I remember her words like yesterday: “Fertilize, fertilize, fertilize. And stop planting so tightly.” Her name was Donna Parker and, for a number of years, this elderly matriarch of the Sisters Community Garden was a constantly cheerful expert to us clueless gardeners. Ask her a question about her life’s journey or anything regarding plants, gardening, and, yes, organic fertilizer (aka poop), and you would gain such insight and, yes, wonder at producing a harvest in Central Orego... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 6/07/2023

    Updated Jun 6, 2023

    Prescribed burns To the Editor: George Wuerthner’s critique of controlled burns was on the mark (“Rethink burning in Sisters’ forests,” The Nugget, May 31, page 2). It has been claimed that they help reduce the threat of a forest fire in a given area and lower the intensity of a fire if one starts there. This seems plausible, but I wonder if the Forest Service has any evidence that a controlled burn has ever contributed to either scenario? As we know, controlled burns throw up a huge cloud of pollution, turning clean air into... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/24/2023

    Updated May 23, 2023

    Thank you, voters To the Editor: To the voters of Sisters Country — thank you. Thank You. Thank You. We, the board of Sisters Park & Recreation District, can’t thank you enough for your vote of confidence in last Tuesday’s election. Nearly 80 percent of you voted to renew the SPRD local option levy — Measure 9-160. This was the highest level of support for any local option levy up for renewal in all of Deschutes County in this election, and a dramatic increase from the less than 60 percent of voters supporting the original le... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/17/2023

    Updated May 16, 2023

    Some love for softball To the Editor: Did you know that Sisters High School has a girls softball team? You won’t read about them in The Nugget for some reason unknown to me. Every week you can read about girls track, lacrosse, and tennis (which is awesome, I love reading about those girls’ progress in their respective sports), but the hard working Lady Outlaw softball girls get no coverage, week after week. Not a single article since they started league play months ago. By the time this letter is posted, their season wil... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/10/2023

    Updated May 16, 2023

    I am seen To the Editor: Regarding “Helping people grieve the loss of an infant,” The Nugget, May 3, page 3: I do not know the Cowans personally. However, I applaud Alissa and James Cowan for their efforts helping parents of children who die. When my son died at three months in January, 1986, his death was considered a SIDS death. A year or two later, it was determined that he had died from a reaction in his lungs from the pertussis part of the DPT shot he received that day. Not a day goes by that I do not think about wha... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 5/03/2023

    Updated May 2, 2023

    Support local option for schools To the Editor: Please support the Sisters School District, the staff, and most important, the students. Vote yes for measure 9-161, the local option levy. Don Hedrick To the Editor: On behalf of the Seed to Table staff and board members, our organization heartily supports the local option for the Sisters School District. Having an integral role in the schools, we know firsthand how important the sixteen teaching positions are for students. Our education system woven in with programs like IEE,... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 4/26/2023

    Updated Apr 25, 2023

    STA speaking up on Green Ridge To the Editor: The relationship between wildfires in the West and responsible forest management is a highly debated topic, and one that’s been written about extensively. For Sisters Trails Alliance, the debate illuminates a need for greater transparency from the Forest Service and for public understanding of all sides of this complex topic, especially because it impacts our wildlife, ecosystems, and recreational experiences in Sisters Country. Timber harvest projects disguised as “ecosystem res... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor 4/19/2023

    Updated Apr 18, 2023

    Wolves in Sisters Country To the Editor: I would like to add some commentary to the Are more wolves roaming Sisters? article in the April 5 edition of The Nugget. I can say 100 percent without a doubt that there is a large pack of wolves roaming between Sisters and Redmond and they are following the migration path of the elk that roam the same area. I am an avid dirt bike rider and ride the trails out at Cline Butte Recreation Area that stretches from Fryrear Road to Eagle Crest as well as across the 126 at Buckhorn, which st... Full story

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