News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Cloverdale changes burn policies

Even with the advent of cold weather, fire remains a threat in the Sisters country.

"During the transitional period of fall, fire danger is very unpredictable," said Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District Chief Chuck Cable.

"We get a few rainfalls and the phone calls start pouring in for permission to burn. Contrary to belief, the first rains of fall have very little effect on fire danger. Warm temperatures coupled with high winds can place us in a very high fire danger immediately following those rains," he said.

Cable reminds residents that new burning requirements are in force in his district.

Residents within the boundaries of the Cloverdale Rural Fire District must obtain a burn permit from the fire station and acknowledge the burning requirements prior to open burning in burn barrels and burning of yard debris.

Those requirements include:

* Prior to burning, residents must call 548- 4815 for current restrictions.

* Burning is restricted to cleared areas 40 feet from structures and 20 feet from trees.

* Clear burnable material 10 feet from around the base of burn barrel or burn pit.

* Burn early in the morning when temperature is low and humidity is high.

* Do not burn in high winds.

* Fire must be attended until all free burning material has been extinguished.

* One shovel and water (five gallons or charged hose line) must be at burn site.

* Burning is allowed during daylight hours only, however, fire pits, stumps and burn barrels may be allowed to smolder after dark.

Enforcement of the new burning requirements will include warnings (both verbal and written), and citations to Deschutes County District Court, Cable reported.

Violations of the new burning requirements could result in fines up to $500 and fire suppression costs may be affixed by responding fire protection agencies. In addition to the citation and suppression costs, property owners are liable if a fire crosses property boundaries.

To report a nonemergency violation of the burning requirements call 548- 4815. To report any emergency call 911.


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