News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

City Hall remodel in budget

Funds to complete the refurbishing of the new Sisters city hall were included in a budget proposed last week by City Administrator Barbara Warren.

The proposed budget sets aside $421,500 to pay for remodeling the old bowling alley building donated to the city by the late Joe Fought. Estimated costs to do the job range from $40 to $50 per square foot, or from $368,000 to $460,000.

The 9,200 square foot building is located at 355 Adams Street.

Warren said the $421,500 would come from several sources: $95,000 from a general fund carryover; $50,000 from the water fund; $25,000 from the garbage fund and $1,500 from interest earning on the general fund carryover.

An additional $250,000 would come from the sale of the present city hall. Two years ago, Warren said, the city hall was appraised at $190,000. She said she does not believe the $250,000 is out of line.

It may not be necessary to sell the old city hall for cash, Warren said.

She has a plan which she will present to the city council that would permit a trade for services for the building and property. The city might, she said, trade the building for the refurbishing of the new city hall.

She plans to ask the city council to consider a three-option bid: 1) a bid to refurbish the bowling alley only, 2) a bid to refurbish the bowling alley in exchange for the old city hall and, 3) a bid to buy the old city hall only.

She said she already has been authorized to offer the old city hall for sale, and to ask for bids on remodeling the bowling alley. With the council approval on expenditures, the city offices could, conceivably, be moved before the end of the year, she said.

Warren said the proposed amount for the city hall does not differ much from the current year's budget. The difference is the source of the money. She said she had set budget totals last year based on the hope she could acquire lottery money and grants. She said, however, she was unsuccessful in obtaining either one.

In additon to Warren's budget, City Councilor Jean Cooper's plan to seek citizen donations for the new city hall took another step forward at last Thursday's meeting of the Sisters City Council.

Cooper said she hopes to raise $80,000 from private sector "Buy A Board" gifts which can be as low as $5. She said this fund would be in addition to money needed to refurbish the old bowling alley on Adams street into a new city hall.

Cooper hopes to use the $80,000 to provide needed furniture and fixtures in the building.

She said moneys collected in the "Buy A Board" campaign would be collected by City Recorder Bernadette Sorensen, who will maintain a record of persons making donations. She said anonymous donations also may be made.

A "kick-off" party would be planned in the parking lot of the new city hall, Cooper said. Citizens will have a chance to look over the plans for redoing the bowling alley, plus join in the fun of food and entertainment, she said. Cooper said she is looking into the idea of additional fund-raisers, perhaps tied to existing Sisters events such as the rodeo, quilt show and harvest fair.

No date has been set for the kick-off event.


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