News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

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To the Editor:

As someone who's known David Haynes for over 30 years, I would suggest to the citizens of Sisters that you are the real losers by allowing your political leaders to eliminate such a fine officer from your city's service.

You all need to ask those same leaders some hard questions and to let them know that the security of your community is more important than their floundering management.

John Dimick

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To the Editor:

Last week I read in The Nugget that police Chief Haynes is on suspension till May 15 at which time his employment will be terminated.

I personally feel that if the City of Sisters fires Chief Haynes we will have lost one of the best police chiefs the city has had in 20 years. I have dealt with Chief Haynes personally and in business. I have found him to be straightforward, honest, and very conscientious about safety for the community and his officers.

I don't know what the problem is with the city and Chief Haynes. What I do know is this. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, whenever I have needed a police officer a Sisters officer has responded immediately. That immediate response time is the direct result of Chief Haynes' policies and management skills with the Sisters Police Department.

I urge everyone in Sisters to call city hall before May 15 to let them know you want to keep Chief Haynes as polic

e chief. I feel he has done an excellent job this last six years and we should keep him. Thank you.


Arthur Davis

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To the Editor,

I was somewhat baffled about the intent of Molly Ivins' (column) in the May 7 edition of The Nugget. I found it very interesting however, to reconsider some points of our wonderful Constitution.

She lawfully exercises her right to free speech to criticize political conservatives, Christians, and "the wealthy," whoever they are, unless, of course, all conservative Christians are wealthy.

It seems to me that the modern interpretation of the First Amendment is quite uneven. Freedom of the press, and free speech enjoys the most liberal interpretation, going so far as to even protect pornography. The first part of the "Establishment Clause," "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," is used to cancel out the second part to the extent that religion can only be practiced on private property.

The result is that children in public schools are denied the opportunity to consider divine creation, which science cannot disprove, and to learn about the religious and moral convictions of our founding fathers and mothers, which is a matter of history.

As to the tired association of Christianity with the slaughter of the ages, evil is a reality of life, and it should surprise no one that evil often tries to appear as good. Doing something in the name of Christianity does not mean that activity is Christian. The religion "of peace and love" is the true religion of Christian and moral people everywhere and always has been.

I invite Ms. Ivins to visit a few churches, where, I believe, she will find many people very much like herself, not perfect, but trying very hard, with God's help, to do the best that they can.

Very respectfully yours,

Larry E. Cagle

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To the Editor:

Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped transform our school with such beautiful landscaping. It's wonderful!

A special thanks to the Sisters Parent-Teacher-Community group that organized such a great community event.

It was fun, productive and positive.

Sisters Elementary School Staff

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To the Editor;

On Saturday, May 3, a very special event took place at the Sisters Elementary School. Over 100 parents, teachers and children came to "clean the green," giving our school a new outdoor look.

The energy from these volunteers just proves positive toward solving our growing community's needs. What better way to teach respect and responsibility to our children.

Thank you ever so much to everyone who was there, wanted to be there and will be there next time. Thank you also to everyone who brought and contributed to our landscape needs as well as helping feed these hungry volunteers!


Sisters Parent-Teacher Community Association

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To the Editor:

A special "thank you" to all the concerned parents and children, who wrote, or called Kathy Levine over her recent job change.

I'm upset by the administration's "new decision." But life goes on. She's an aide now at the elementary school. Thank you, Kathy, for years of dedicated work as a bus driver. You are missed by many. A quote from a petition from many school children says it all: "Rules don't matter, when a child is sad."

Barbara J. Rhoads, Kathy's mo


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