News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

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To the Editor:

I was shaken to attention by last week's political cartoon by Walt Handelsman. How could a professional, who yields great powers of persuasion over the general public, so badly misrepresent the boycott that the Southern Baptists have initiated against Disney?

This is not a boycott against the icon of Mickey Mouse; rather, it is a boycott against a multibillion dollar company seeking to increase its share of the market at what seems to be any cost.

Few people are aware that the parent company, Disney, also controls subsidiary companies like Touchstone and Miramax. These entertainment companies routinely market films that carry an "R" rating and where a drawing of the familiar mouse never makes it to the screen. However, Disney has been careful to keep the company name associated with wholesome family entertainment; at least, that's what I thought.

By chance, I happened to tune into the Disney Afternoon cartoon sequence. A great deal of children watch this network-aired program. This episode of Mighty Ducks featured several superhero characters using weapons of mass destruction to murder their adversaries all the while muttering cutesy clichés such as "I'll shred your flesh."

They attempt to retrieve an amulet which had been stolen by their nemesis who seeks to use his dark powers to conquer a parallel world called Anaheim.

The point is that the modern day Disney Company is counting upon powerful persuasionists like Mr. Handelsman to be so desensitized to the little seeds they are planting in young impressionable minds every afternoon that he invokes slanted journalistic techniques to make organizations such as the Southern Baptists look like fools.

I fear for my children's future and I resent Disney for contributing to a changing society where I must constantly censor what my children watch, read, and listen to. I refuse to let my children grow up desensitized to sex, violence, and unbelievable marketing pressure.

I support the Southern Baptists for their noble efforts and I will join the boycott, not for reasons of religion, but of principle.


Mark Francis

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To the Editor:

On Monday, June 23, my daughter, Rochelle, was involved in a single-car accident. Fortunately for us (her family and friends, ) she is going to be OK. This letter is to thank all those who helped her to get through the first long hours after her accident.

The Sisters Fire Department/Ambulance crew; the Moyers, who wouldn't leave the hospital till they knew Rochelle would be all right; Thornton "Steve" Brown, who didn't leave until he knew I was OK; Dennis Neel; Beth, for keeping her smiling; the St. Charles emegerency room staff; Dr. McDonald; Sue; Barbara; Izzy. You all did your jobs as doctors and nurses, but you went beyond that and made Rochelle comfortable. To all my "family" of co-workers at Ray's, whose support and love got me through this.

A very heartfelt thank you to the vacationing officer from Chico, whose first name is all I know. You got to Rochelle moments after her accident, got emergency help and stayed with her until she was in the ambulance. You made her feel safe during a time when she was the most scared.

To Kathleen, I am glad my children have you as their step-mother. And know they love you very much. To my son Cody for being my rock during a time that was just as hard for you. I love you. To my daughter, Liz, who does a role reversal at times like this and becomes my support. You know how much I love you.

Thank you to Bob; I'm glad at times like this we can be there for our children with everything in the past forgotten. And for that, I thank you.

Most importantly, to Rochelle, for all the joy you have brought into my life. I am thankful you had a guardian angel on your shoulder and that we were given a second chance to enjoy your smile, your sense of humor, your hugs and your love.

Rochelle's accident was caused because she fell asleep while driving. She asked me to please remind people to not drive when very tired or even a little tired. We all do it, we think we can get home to our destination even though we can barely keep our eyes open.

She was lucky to not have hurt or killed someone in her accident. So, please learn from her mistake, don't drive tired. We are lucky to have Rochelle here to make that request.

Lynn Plaza

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To the Editor:

We've been home for six weeks and what a blessing!

Many sincere and loving thanks to everyone for all your prayers, love and support throughout our journey. Having you travel with us has made the trip so much lighter.

We will be going to Portland again in a couple of weeks. We are certainly thankful to our Great God for doctors nurses and medicine.

God has blessed us every step of the way, and to Him we bring our thanks and praise.

God bless each one of you - I am grateful for you. You have fulfilled Galatians 5:66 - "What is important is faith expressing itself through love."

May your summer be full of pleasure and wonder.

My love and thanks to all,

Linda Gott

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To the Editor:

In February, the Kiwanis Club of Sisters began bimonthly Bingo games at the Sisters Elementary School. The purpose of the Bingo was to generate funds to support the club's many youth and community service projects.

After 10 evenings of Bingo, it became apparent that the number of faithful players participating could not provide the necessary income to make the games profitable.

We would like the community to be aware that our club has decided that the last regularly scheduled Bingo night will be July 7.

It will have a slightly different format. Players will have a chance of winning either cash or items donated by local businesses. This will be the last chance to win the $200 lollipop! Families are very welcome to attend.

I wish to thank all those who supported our Monday night Bingo and hope to see everyone at our final event. It should be a fun night for all.


Lorri Craig, President, Kiwanis Club of Sisters


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