News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

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To the Editor:

I am bothered by the focus of your story on the police (or lack of) cutbacks to calls for response outside the city limits.

You might as well just send out direct mail announcements to all known criminals stating that it is okay to loot the hell out of the area as long as they stay outside the city limits.

Make sure that you tell them not to kill or hurt anyone, so they know they will be safe from pursuit from the law. Better yet, why not just skip the direct mail and put up 12x12 signs at both ends of the city.

All you will need to put on the signs is a large target and the words, "Criminal Target Area."

Dennis Schmidling

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To the Editor:

Gun and violence from TV should not be put to blame for this shooting at Thurston High School or any other shooting. Kipland knows right from wrong and his parents should have reinforced the responsibility towards him.

Evidently he had some resentment against his parents or else he wouj30ld not of shot them to death, and if his parents paid more attention to him they would of known he was making bombs in his room.

It's terrible that a 15 year old boy can get a hold of a gun. But I highly doubt that the night before the shooting he sat down watched a movie with alot of violence in it and decided that he was going to shoot people because that is what he saw on television.

He had to be angry with his parents, the school, and the world, maybe because he is an outcast and no one paid much attention to his cry out for help. As for the debate on teachers taking guns to school, I think that is the most idiotic idea that they could possible come up with. What does that show young children? Do they actually think that a teacher would not get fired for firing at a student?

I think that they should use their heads a little more, that's what they have their masters degree for, and as for protecting the schools they should put in metal detectors and cameras.


Kristy Gilliam

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To the Editor:

Well, we made it!

The Head Start end-of-the-year celebration was a success. Our last day of school and celebration was May 28.

I think our year was a great success. This success was due to our great staff at our Sisters site.

I would like to let the community know that Lorna Hickerson, Jill Rowe and Marie Clasen are a great team. I know they have changed my family's and my own life for the better and I'm sure other parents will say the same.

Well, thanks so much, guys. I love you

Deb Crawford

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To the Editor:

On Thursday, May 21, the Kiwanis Club of Sisters hosted a chili feed to benefit Kiwanis International's Worldwide Service Project: raise $75 million to eliminate iodine-deficiency disorder (IDD) by the year 2000 through building salt production facilities.

IDD results when a person has no iodine in his or her diet; it causes mental retardation, birth defects, paralysis and deafness, among other things. The cost of providing iodized salt to one person for one year is five cents. Our local club's goal is a "mile of nickels." To date, we have raised $2,028, or about 2,897 feet.

The entertainment on Thursday was outstanding. Our club wishes to thank the local musical group, "The Hoarse Whisperers" (Jim Cornelius, Dick Sandvik and Phyllis Sokol); the "Swinging Mountaineers" square dance group, with caller, Ron Bliven; and the Sunshine Exchange Cloggers from Redmond.

I would also like to express our thanks to Terry Burgess and his daughter, Lacey, owners of The Sno Cap Drive-in, for donating the homemade ice cream; and to COSTCO of Bend for donating the dinner rolls.


Kathleen Buchser, President

Kiwanis Club of Sisters

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To the Editor:

We would like to thank all the friends and family who came to our 50th Anniversary surprise party.

Also for all the beautiful cards, flowers, and gifts.

A special thanks to Donna Ulstad our Maid of Honor who had all these people at her home, Jo Anna Gregory for the beautiful delicious cake, and all the gals who prepared the food.

Our daughter-inlaw Eilene Morken for the outstanding book with all the letters from our family and friends.

It was a day that we'll never ever forget.

Thanks again.

Curt and Dixie Morken

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