News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Vandals strike scenic byway sign

Vandals blasted at least four holes in a brand new Forest Service sign at the eastern entrance to the McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass Scenic Byway on Highway 242.

According to a Deschutes County Sheriff's Office report, "unknown suspect(s) fired a 12-gauge shotgun and about a 9 mm handgun" at the sign located at approximately milepost 89 on the McKenzie Highway.

A sheriff's deputy and a Sisters Ranger District law enforcement officer estimated that the shooting occurred between 9 a.m., March 1, and 11 a.m, March 17.

Sisters Ranger District landscape architect Rick Dustin said the sign will cost $5,000 to replace.

The cost of the sign and the fact that it belonged to the U.S. government makes the act punishable as a Class C felony for Criminal Mischief I, punishable by either jail time, a fine, or both.

"We wonder why the cost of government is so high, but this kind of vandalism is exactly why," said a frustrated Dustin. "Usually when you do something nice, people respect it more."

Dustin said the shooting of Forest Service signs is "no new issue" and that "degraded facilities and vandalism are even worse way out there (in the forest)."

USFS law enforcement officer Larry Duncan explained that forest vandalism is getting "worse and worse lately."

"We're getting to the point where the public's money is being wasted," he said. "Federal government property belongs to the people."

Duncan and sheriff's deputy Todd Williver recovered two 12-gauge shotgun casings from the scene and an investigation is continuing.

"I've got some suspect information and we're hopeful we can put something together," said Williver.

Anyone with information on the vandals may call authorities at 549-9141.


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