News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Planning commission is protecting Sisters' future

The Sisters Urban Area Planning Commission withheld preliminary approval of two subdivisions at its meeting Wednesday, May 19. Members wanted more information about impacts on the community.

It was the right move.

By asking tough questions and looking at the big picture, the Sisters Urban Area Planning Commission is trying to ensure that some major housing developments don't cause major problems for Sisters.

The Timber Creek, Creekside developments (taken together) to the northeast and the Coyote Springs development to the south of the intersection of Locust Street and Cascade Avenue threaten to add traffic to an intersection that is already choked during busy school hours.

It may be difficult to determine the responsibility of individual developers, but the planning commission is right to insist that some thought be given to the aggregate traffic impact presented by all of these developments.

Delaying decisions is tough on everyone involved and planners should try to get their work done quickly and thoroughly. Sometimes it is not possible to do both. The planning commission decided to be thorough and they were right.



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