News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

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To the Editor:

Several points made in the recent article by Jim Cornelius regarding the joint Central Oregon and ESD lawsuit need clarification for the benefit of your readers.

It is indeed flattering that your reporter considers me the "sole component of the Sisters special education program," however this is inaccurate. This program serves well over 100 students in Grades K-12. It is staffed at the elementary level by Sherry Bowne as the resource teacher. Her counterpart at the middle school is JoAnn Anderson. At the high school the resource services are provided by Jim Golden and Bryan Stevens.

Kathy Few is the director of Chapter 1 Reading Programs. In addition, there are educational/instructional assistants that work in all three schools providing excellent support for our teachers. Funding for students who have Individual Education Programs (IEPs) is provided from the state at double the individual Average Daily Membership rate in order to cover the additional expenses attendant to having such programs and becomes part of the general fund.

Tim Comfort is the director of special education programs, not I as your article indicates.


Gary A. Romaniak

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To the Editor:

For those of you who have never met me, the front page of last week's Nugget was a bad impression ("Sisters youth arrested for computer crimes," The Nugget, July 28). The article was all the facts, but I know I have done wrong and I am writing to apologize.

Only now am I fully realizing the impact of my actions. What I did was wrong, and I will be punished accordingly. I have betrayed many trusts and truly regret the series of decisions made by me leading up to this point.

I realize that it will be a long and taxing path to regain the trusts I have lost, but I am hoping to make amends. Sincerest apologies go out to all that have instilled their faith in me, for I respect you all very dearly.


Ken Crain

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