News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

COCC opens new computer lab

A new computer lab is open in Sisters, according to Celeste Douville, director of Central Oregon Community College's community education program.

Eleven new Hewlett-Packard (HP) computers are now available for classes (which started this week) and student use.

"The new computers are part of the college's program to provide students with the latest equipment and train them for today's technology and job market," Douville said.

"The college has been moving to standardize on one computer platform throughout the main campus and seven regional centers," she noted. "This allows students to have familiarity and exchange of data whether on the main COCC campus or one of the regional locations. It also makes it easier for the computer support personnel to service these systems."

The computers are networked to an HP laser printer and have a frame relay 56K dedicated Internet access line. This allows COCC students fast access to the Internet.

Classes started this week in the new lab and feature courses on Access 97, Internet use, Photoshop 5 and Windows 95. Instructors may use a large-screen projection system while teaching these classes.

The computer lab is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and on Tuesday evening between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. Call 549-7331 for more details.


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