News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters youth arrested for threats


A 16-year-old Sisters High School student was arrested last week after allegedly making threatening comments to other students.

According to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office reports, the youth was arrested on a menacing charge and held in juvenile detention for psychological evaluation under Safe Schools Alliance policy.

The youth reportedly spoke to another student in passing, saying "and you would be ... dead." The student discussed the incident with friends and noted that the youth had made similar threatening comments to others over several weeks. The student reportedly grew increasingly concerned about the incident.

Eventually the incident was reported to school authorities, who launched an investigation.

According to sheriff's office reports, information developed in the investigation indicated that the arrested youth had been smoking marijuana on an almost daily basis and was frequently using LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

School Resource Deputy Scott Shelton credited the reporting student, and friends of the boy who was arrested, for providing important information that helped to resolve the incident.

"These kids were like a family," Shelton said. "They had a problem and they went to people who could help them."

Shelton said the incident reflected recently established policies designed to intervene before problems with students escalate to violence.

"The criteria of the Safe Schools Alliance were applied and they worked," he said.

Deputy Shelton indicated that the court will likely mandate family counseling and therapy for the youth, who was to remain in custody until Thursday, December 16.


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