News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.

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To the Editor:

Once again we thank the Sisters community for its contributions which helped us to provide Christmas baskets to 90 families during the recent holidays.

We all rightfully assume that food share recipients are grateful for the generosity of those in the community which makes it possible for us to lend them a hand. As testimony to the depth of this appreciation and the impact it has, I would like you to consider a thank-you note we received from one of the food share participants.

"Dear Kiwanis Club Members:

We, as a family, want to thank you all so very much for the extremely generous gifts you sent our way for Christmas! We were amazed and overwhelmed by the generosity! We shared some of our bounty with some dear friends who were also financially stressed and it brought them to tears as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The gifts for our children were perfect. They were things they needed and they were delighted! We look forward to being able to bless other families in the future as we have been blessed by all of you. For it truly is more blessed to give than to receive. God bless you."

I just thought you would like to know what one family says about your generosity and give you the opportunity to share the comments with Kiwanians who experience sentiments like this, firsthand, almost every day as we go about trying to make this a better community in which to live.

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To the Editor:

Thank you, Sisters. On behalf of our food bank recipients and the Sisters Kiwanis volunteers, I want to express my sincerest thank you.

The fantastic response by individuals, groups and businesses in our time of need not only allowed us to provide Christmas Food Boxes to 90 families, it has given the food bank a wonderful inventory to help carry us through most of the winter.

Your generous donations of food, money and labor has been another example of how this community pulls together to support its needs.

Each of us can take great pride in this community for its people and support. It is all of you that make Sisters what it is. Thank You!


David Hiller

Kiwanis Food Bank Chairperson

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To the Editor:

The Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District, volunteers and staff, wish to thank the community for your help in creating a special Christmas for our Sisters children in need.

Special thanks go to Patti Keaton who is so gracious and giving, Don and Carol Mouser, Rita Hodge and to all of you who donated turkeys, hams and the gift of money.

Our Christmas dinner was very successful and well-attended by the community. Christmas dinner elves include Jim and Carrie Cheatham, Naomi Rowe, Keith and Shirley Miller, Robert and Susanna Klosterman, Karen Cardin, Jacquie Zank and family and Chelsea and Casey Meudt.

We hope that you enjoyed our gift of Christmas lights and we wish all of you a safe, happy and healthy New Year.

Don Rowe

Fire Chief

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To the Editor:

We hope the hard-working committee that put together "SOAR into the Millennium" New Year's Eve realized a financial benefit for SOAR that matches their enthusiasm and effort.

It was a fine party in all respects, including the generosity of several patrons who made sure auction items sold at substantial levels. Weitech must be congratulated, too, for its major sponsorship of the event.

It is very gratifying to see this kind of support for SOAR, a program that has enhanced the livability of Sisters for many individuals and families. As we start this new era may the SOARing continue.


Lois and Tom Worcester

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To the Editor:

It seems almost a clich to say once again that a fund-raising effort in Sisters was an astounding success, but we have to say that very thing.

"SOAR into the Millennium," our New Year's Eve celebration, surpassed our expectations financially and, just as important, everyone had a fabulous time. We are so grateful to the members of this community for its attitude of sharing, which is reflected in every project undertaken to help our children grow up healthy, happy and productive.

This community deserves an A+ for its dedication, vision and effort. Sisters Community Chest sends a huge thank you to our sponsors, advertisers and supporters for your generosity. And to our guests on New Year's Eve, thank you for helping us succeed.

Ronda Sneva, Jan Reed, Bill Willitts, Bonnie Malone

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To the Editor:

Our family is blessed! We live in the most beautiful place I can think of, surrounded by friends we could never replace.

It is time to acknowledge them. I want to thank, Kevin and Karly Lusby, Jay and Totsy Swartz, Casey Brennan, Bonnie Knox, Lynn Rothan, Dave and Jan Elliott, the Davis family and their employees, Sisters Elementary School, the Kiwanis, Rotary, SOAR, Buzz Clark, Shirley Miller, Bonnie Malone, Nancy Ledbetter and extra thanks to William Willitts and his friends who came by Christmas Eve.

Without the support and friendship of these people and organizations, our family would have floundered. I hope that the whole community realizes how lucky they are to live in such an amazing environment. God Bless the community of Sisters.

Gratefully yours,

Ed, Candy, County and Canyon Bork

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