News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Editorial Bradley -- or McCain -- for president

Yeah, Bradley has the occasional heart flutter. At least he has a heart. Al Gore is like the guy in a bad sci-fi movie receiving orders from a giant worm growing up his spine.

McCain allegedly has a temper. At least he knows the issues. George Bush, like his father before him, is obviously reading from a text he doesn't understand.

Folks, do we really want a campaign between two mechanical men driven at us by entrenched special interests?

Winning is everything to the puppet masters. So they find puppets who "capture the center," who offend as few voters as possible by saying nothing of substance. Mediocrity is guaranteed by this system that panders to the lowest common denominator.

Gore versus Bush? It boggles the mind that this is the best this country can offer to itself, to the world. Where are the statesmen (or stateswomen)?

Give us Bradley versus McCain. Such a race would mean something. Such a race would help the U.S. determine what kind of country we'll be as we head into the next millennium. Such a race would give voters a real choice between real candidates.

But that isn't going to happen, is it? It won't happen because those who do own the politics of this country aren't about to let a real candidate take the power out of their hands.

God save the Queen.


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