News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon
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To the Editor:
Just wanted to acknowledge the great success of our first Technology Fair at Sisters Elementary School.
I am so proud and appreciative of our staff, volunteer and community business efforts to develop another area of lifelong learning and learner styles!
The Technology Fair was well attended. The application and examples of real life use and development of technology was a great bridge from education to the real world.
The ham radio/ Sisters Repeater Group crew and antenna set the stage with an enthusiastic tone! The arrival of the sheriff"s car with all the bells and whistles, new computer was pretty impressive.
Thanks so much to Deb Kollodge, Marie Phillips, Candyce Bork, Julia Sweeton-Benson, Ron Ketchum, Todd and DeeAnn Pilch, Sherri Hermens, and Kathy Perry.
Also special thanks to students like Adam Perry, Capri Boswell and the others who staffed exhibits.
Wow, what a great video and support from our local businesses.
Thanks to our Chamber of Commerce with LaCresa Scherrer, and Mardyth Peterson ... and of course thanks to each individual and business that contributed goods, services and participated in the fair itself.
Awesome team effort everyone!
Tim Comfort, Principal, Sisters Elementary School
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