News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Trust will dedicate new Preserve

The area around this stretch of Squaw Creek is now part of the Camp Polk Meadow Preserve to the north of Sisters.

The Deschutes Basin Land Trust will hold dedication ceremonies for the recently acquired Camp Polk Meadow Preserve on Friday, June 1 at 1 p.m.

Once on the verge of being subdivided, this 145 acres of rare wetland/ecosystem meadow habitat northeast of Sisters will be managed as a wildlife preserve. The meadow itself will be restored to increase riparian habitat and enhance water quality and quantity for the eventual reintroduction of steelhead runs to Squaw Creek.

The Land Trust purchased Camp Polk Meadow from Mary and Lewis Anderson with the aid of an $800,000 gift from Portland General Electric's Habitat Restoration fund. Additional funding came from the Oregon Water Trust and the Deschutes Basin Resources Conservancy.

A portion of the preserve, around the original homestead site has been opened up to the public as an historic interpretive area. Access to the meadow portion of the preserve will be limited to guided tours and educational field programs.

The Deschutes Basin Land Trust was established in 1995. The trust acquires land or development rights to help preserve and protect the Deschutes Basin's natural heritage and scenic vistas.

Since its founding, the Land Trust has protected over 4,250 acres in the Deschutes Basin.

The dedication will be followed by guided tours of the new preserve. For more information contact Jessica Huettl at 330-0017.


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