News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.

To the Editor:

I was appalled and disgusted to view the photo of Jim Morrell with a majestic grizzly sow lying at his feet (The Nugget, November 13).

He shot it in the neck to kill it... How proud Mr. Morrell looks. And he is looking forward to his next hunt! One dead grizzly is not enough? How about hunting down the bear with a "high powered" telephoto lens of a camera and save this beautiful creature.

What a novel concept!

Our inhumane treatment of animals is becoming widespread and more barbaric. All animals' lives must be respected and dealt with humanely in a civilized world.

Hunting has taken on a very odd aspect. Many wild animals are born, bred and held in captivity just to be shot, and even elephants confined within African game parks to be "harvested" by Western sportsman in a manner more resembling execution.

Wildlife across the world live in a state of perpetual retreat from human development, until for many species there is nowhere else to go. They just do not have room to live and flourish anymore. We did this to them! We should try to live in harmony with them, all of them...... gorillas, wolves, pandas, elephants and yes, even grizzlies.

We assume that all these other creatures with which we share the earth are here for us, and only us. We assume, in effect, that we are everything and they are nothing!

Whenever we humans enter their world, we enter as lords of the earth bearing strange powers of terror or mercy. It is our choice to do what is moral. We need to think long and hard about this choice.


Lyn DeLano

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To the Editor:

I want to thank all of the participants in the parade on Saturday. Everyone looked terrific and did a great job. It was a wonderful turnout.

I want to say thank you to Jeanne Nolander for all of her help and support these last few weeks, to Harv and Cathy Moen for the beautiful carriage for Santa, Bob for helping with the activities at the chamber, and of course to Santa, Mrs. Claus and Santa's helper.

I know the children enjoyed seeing Santa. It was a wonderful time had by all. To everyone and their families, have a wonderful holiday season.


Jeri Buckmann

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To the Editor:

Special thanks to the Sisters community for making the GirlTalk Conference with Sheri Rose Shepherd a fantastic success!

More than 200 women and girls came each night last Thursday, Friday and Saturday to Sisters Community Church.

Dozens of girls helped promote the event and worked hard to make it happen, but a special thanks are due to Robin Gerke, Chris Gurney, Jami Lyn Weber, Melody Douglass, Gordon Golden, Steve Gardner, and the worship team led by Susan Marks with Steve Douglass, Jason Berray, David Williams, Karen Cardin, Sarah Schatz, Kristen Lamoreaux, and Teri Sharp.

It was such a great turn-out considering we only had three weeks to plan!

Steve and Sheri Rose Shepherd


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