News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Kiwanis Club marks 25 years

It is hard to imagine Sisters without the local Kiwanis Club.

The club provides food baskets to needy families at Christmas, as well as running a year-round food bank. Many Sisters students have gotten a boost toward college through Kiwanis scholarships.

What would it be like without an organization like Kiwanis? Just ask anyone who was around 25 years ago and they'll tell you.

Before Kiwanis there was no one who could so easily reach into hearts -- and pockets -- for the good of the town.

On November 28, 1977 the Sisters Kiwanis Club opened its doors for the first time. The Kiwanis Club of Redmond sponsored the club and Cliff Clemens served as the first president.

Of the 35 original members, five are still with the club, including Cliff Clemens, Dave Clemens, Harold O'Hara, Bill Reed and Duffy Ylvisaker.

Over the past 25 years, Kiwanis of Sisters has seen its membership fluctuate, with an all time low in 1981, and the current high of 92 members under the direction of president Doug Roberts.

Warren Seward, club historian, has seen many changes in personalities and membership. However, he has remained a steady contributor with 23 years of perfect attendance.

Seward remembers his years of service as a time of good friends and great opportunities.

Through the years the club has been a strong force in Sisters' history. Commitment to community service is prevalent in all the club's events and fund-raisers.

Past projects include Kid's Day in the Park; Bike Rodeos; Eugene Gleemen concerts; Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby and Wally Wings Basketball Camp.

In the early 1990s Sisters Kiwanis started a number of ongoing projects that continue today, including sponsorship of Cub Scouts; Christmas Food Baskets; Key Club; highway clean up; Habitat for Humanity involvement, and the Sisters Food Bank.

Annual fundraisers such as Buckaroo Breakfast (since 1980), Golf Tournament (since 1990), Burgers on a Roll (1994) and Hole-in-One Tournament (2000) have allowed the Sisters Kiwanis to support many local area programs and functions.

Some organizations aided by Kiwanis include Sisters High School scholarship programs, Sisters High School track team, Central Oregon Battering and Rape Organization (COBRA), Family Access Network (FAN), Start Making a Reader Today (SMART).


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