News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Schools to close February 18

The Sisters School Board decided Monday night to cut one more day from the current school year. They chose Tuesday, February 18.

The board had already tentatively decided to cut four days from the calendar; that's the reason schools opened four days later than normal last September.

In light of the failure of State Measure 28 in last month's election, the board quickly made that reduction official at its Monday meeting.

It then added a fifth day to the cut list on the recommendation of Superintendent Steve Swisher, who had earlier warned that such an addition might be needed.

At the meeting he said the state's budget picture is continuing to worsen. The next quarterly state revenue projection, which will be issued in March, is expected to be gloomier than the one issued in December.

Each day cut saves the school district about $35,000, primarily in pay cuts.


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