News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters man gets seven years for sex abuse

Steven K. Boley, formerly of Sisters, will serve more than seven years in prison for sex abuse. Judge Alta Brady handed down the sentence on Tuesday, February 4.

The abuse involved a stepdaughter, starting when the girl was about seven years old and lasting till she was about 16. The girl is now in college.

The abuse involved a variety of acts. The girl told her mother about the abuse and she confronted Boley. Boley acknowledged inappropriate behavior, but police were not notified at that time.

Boley maintained control over his victim by telling her that if she told "life would be difficult for everyone" in the family.

Authorities eventually learned of the abuse and initiated an investigation. As a result of an agreement with prosecutors, Boley pleaded guilty to three counts of first degree sex abuse, earning a total of 86 months in prison.

Boley's lawyer Terry Rahmsdorff said that, "Mr. Boley realizes he has done some dreadful things. He is ready to face the music and get on with his life."

Rahmsdorff said his client had problems with substance abuse lasting up until about 18 months ago.

Because the crimes occurred before Measure 11 was enacted, mandatory sentences do not apply.

Boley told the judge, "I have made some big mistakes that have affected my life and that of my family."

In sentencing Boley, Judge Brady noted that his sentence of more than seven years was "about the amount of youth you took away from your stepdaughter."

The judge said she was "disgusted" by an attempt by Boley via email to get his stepdaughter to recant or change her story.

A sheriff's deputy led Boley from the courtroom in handcuffs.


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