News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters filmaker recounts Europe trek

A desert hut in Morocco. Photo by Eli Pyke

Eli Pyke, a Sisters High School graduate, will present his film "Alimith," a recounting of a three-month trek in Europe and Mediterranean Africa on Tuesday, March 11 in the Sisters High School Lecture Drama Room.

Pyke, along with his childhood friends Wesley Barclift and Jared Durham, traveled through London, Amsterdam, France, Spain and Morocco in what Pyke describes as a "coming-of-age quest for identity, purpose and love."

The film showing kicks off with dessert served at 7 p.m. The film starts at 7:15 p.m.

The trio departed the U.S. in January 2001 for their trek.

"We did this all on our own," Pyke said. "No tours. No guides. No plans. Every city was a spontaneous decision.

"We did nothing that cost more than a few bucks. Hostel rooms cost between $10-15 a night and some included bread and butter for breakfast.

"We ate at two restaurants the entire trip. We learned to live a simple life, thankful for our luxuries."

Traveling light and spontaneously, the friends "saw things that many Americans only dream about," Pyke said.

He will share those things with his Sisters audience through the showing of his film. Admission is free.

For more information call 389-6210.


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