News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters scholar heads to capital

Sisters High School senior Mareta Lindley will be winging her way to Washington, D.C. in June to attend the Presidential Classroom "National Security in a Democracy" program.

While the Presidential Classroom has been around for 35 years, this is the first year the National Security program has been offered.

Over the years, the Presidential Classroom program has allowed more than 100,000 top high school students from the U.S. and abroad access to the federal government and the people who shape public policy.

Lindley is the first student from Sisters to attend.

During the week-long program, participants interact with Washington insiders, including members of Congress, presidential appointees, military officials, business leaders and journalists. Activities include seminars, meetings, discussions, and tours.

Lindley especially wanted to attend the National Security classroom.

"I want to go back east to college, majoring in international relations," she said. "I'm interested in intelligence gathering and would like to have a career in the CIA."

Students are invited to apply for inclusion in the Presidential Classroom, based on their grades and interests. Once accepted, they are responsible for raising the necessary funds to attend. Cost of the program is $1,090, plus airfare.

Lindley is presently fund-raising and would welcome assistance from the community.

Donations may be made at U.S. Bank to the "Mareta Lindley Presidential Classroom fund."


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