News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Group seeks Costa Rican exchange

Bill and JoAn Power of Partners of the Americas are seeking volunteers to host 22 retired teachers from Costa Rica.

They rolled into Sisters last Friday afternoon and discussed the idea with Ric Nowak of the Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce.

These visitors will need homes, meals and transportation in the area of Sisters for two nights and parts of three days on October 14-16.

This is an opportunity for Sisters residents to become involved in a cross-cultural exchange.

Planners will need to know as soon as possible who is interested in hosting so that schedules can be completed.

Partners of the Americas was established by John Kennedy in the 1960s.

Each state in the U.S. was matched with a Central or South American country to be in a mutually helping relationship. Oregon was partnered with Costa Rica, an environmentally diverse country in Central America between Nicaragua and Panama.

Fourteen years ago Jim and Carlota Holly of Portland set up a retired people's exchange program. In the ensuing years approximately 20 Costa Ricans and 20 Oregonians have participated.

Costa Ricans come to Oregon in October. Then, in mid-January, 20 Oregonians travel throughout Costa Rica for one month staying with various host families.

Those interested in hosting Costa Ricans in October or going to Costa Rica for a month in January-February or who wish more information about this program may contact Beth Pearl-Gent at 388-1436 or coordinator JoAn Power of Salem, e-mail [email protected]


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