News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

DSL coming to Camp Sherman

Tim Hogue installing a DSL box in Camp Sherman. photo by Conrad Weiler

Later this month, Qwest communications will begin offering DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) to Camp Sherman residents for Internet connections.

The Camp Sherman area, long plagued by older copper telephone line Internet connections peaking at a slow 24K, will find the new service offering increased speed and other benefits.

Presently, Internet cable and DSL high speed Internet connection services end at Black Butte Ranch, about seven miles from Camp Sherman. Some local people have set up satellite Internet connections to overcome this shortcoming although this is usually a more expensive route to take.

"Today, without high speed, most people are lucky to get between 24K and 56K so this is a huge improvement (256K or faster). They will also no longer need a separate line for the Internet. Your telephone and Internet use the same telephone line at the same time using different frequencies," said Ron Turwilliger of Qwest.

The DSL box is set up at the entrance of Metolius Meadows, a Camp Sherman residential area located off Road 1419 (Camp Sherman Road). There are approximately 115 homes on 147 lots in this complex. DSL service should be available up to three miles from the installation and cover the majority of 300 homes and businesses located in Camp Sherman.

"This is all being put in as part of Senate Bill 622 (requiring improvement of Qwest's network infrastructure in difficult to serve areas). We have already deployed high speed Internet (DSL) in Black Butte and Sisters and have installed fiber all the way to our main switching office in Black Butte. We are very excited to start serving the Camp Sherman area," said Turwilliger.

Benefits from the DSL service include faster uploads and downloads of files, better access to Internet radio viewing live broadcasts, web camera two-way communications and instant Internet access.


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