News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Fire holds steady overnight

Saturday, July 12, 8:30 a.m.

The Link Fire did not move overnight.

Fire crews fought the blaze all night and reported that there was no spotting from the active fire facing Black Butte Ranch.

Winds are expected to kick up this afternoon, blowing from the southwest and west at 8-10 miles per hour with possible 20 miles per hour gusts. The wind could pose a problem, but the onshore marine flow will also bring a four to five degree temperature drop, which firefighters greeted as good news.

Three air tankers are now bombing the fire from the air and additional fire crews are on the lines.

"We're going to hit it as hard as we can today," said Fire Information Officer Janet Schlosser.

There will continue to be a lot of smoke in the air.

"We're still going to see a lot of smoke on the east side, facing Sisters," Schlosser said.

Fire officials recommend that drivers use headlights when driving on Highway 20.

The Sisters Outdoor Quilt show is still on, under hazy skies.


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