News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Preschools offer parents several educational choices

A variety of local preschools give families choices when registering their children for the next school year.

The Little Cloverdale Preschool offers a cooperative-learning environmentof interest to moms who have considered home schooling.

The small classroom settings, which limit the four-year-old class to 12 kids and the 3-year-old class to 10, and the on-site parent helpers produce a learning environment with a personal and interactive edge, said Ann Kauzlarich.

Kauzlarich celebrated her fifth year as the teacher at Little Cloverdale last week when she welcomed families who volunteered to help in clean-up day at the school.

The registration prices, which range from $90-$110, are pro-rated for parents who volunteer to work twice a month in classroom activities.

"Parents liking home schools might consider us because it allows parents to be a part of the preschool experience," Kauzlarich said.

Emphasizing teamwork, Kauzlarich said she and parent helpers role model the "power of many" to accomplish great tasks.

A mother of three, Kauzlarich has been teaching for 25 years, including eight in Central Oregon. She earned her teacher's certificate and B.A. in English literature in Kingston, New York. She is certified to teach pre-K through 12 grade, but her heart is deeply attached to the delights of little ones.

"After I taught kindergarten long term, I realized I love this age group because they are so open to new ideas and they're willing," Kauzlarich said.

Three-year-olds will meet for two hours in the mornings and four-year-olds for three hours in the afternoons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Regular activities will include circle time, letter and name writing, show and tell, weather, calendar and counting activities, and recess in a fenced play area.

To register or for information, call 923-0337.

A Joyful Noise Preschool has openings for 3-to-5-year-olds in a class which emphasizes realistic, organic and earth-bound learning.

Teacher Evelyn Brush has a certificate of teaching from Waldorf Education and a teaching credential from Michael Teacher Training Institute in elementary and early childhood.

A Joyful Noise students make their own snacks using organic fruits and vegetables and grains. Brush said that "story-time" is based on the oral tradition, not books, because she doesn't want to limit the students' creative ability to form pictures with their imagination. There is a separate "Library time" in which children enjoy the school's expansive library of books.

Brush said the mixed three-to-five-year-old age group in the class is crucial because it teaches the younger kids to depend on the older kids and the older kids to share their knowledge.

Kids use wood toys rather than plastic because wood is natural, Brush said.

Students can register to attend class from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. two or three days per week. Costs for two days is $135 and three days is $190 (monthly). Each day of the week will be scheduled with a theme throughout the school year. For example, each Monday might be baking day and Tuesday might be painting day, Brush said.

Brush said children learn best from singing, applying knowledge and interaction.

"Their ability to learn to play is primary because when you play, you get social skills you will need in school," Brush said.

"Instead of drilling their ABCs, we focus on their ability to develop social skills and imagination. We don't sit down and teach them their ABCs; we have a more organic way. We're singing all the time."

Brush said the school does not have any specific religious affiliation.

To register call 549-2066.

Sonrise Christian Preschool offers classes with Bible-based teaching for 3-to-4-year-olds, as well as a pre-kindergarten class for kids a little older. Classes are held in a newly remodeled classroom at Sisters Community Church.

Rebecca Womack, B.A. in child development, teaches pre-school; Amy Hall teaches pre-kindergarten.

Classes run from 8 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday from September 8 to June 10. Registration costs $1,010 for three-year-olds who attend Tuesdays and Thursdays; $1,450 for four-year-olds who attend three days per week; and $2,416 for students who attend five days per week.

An hour of extended daycare is also provided.

School director Dan Cole said classes maintain a ratio of one teacher per 10 students. He said Sonrise teaching emphasizes phonics skills.

To register call 549-4133.

SOAR offers the most extended and flexible hours for childcare and preschool classes. Preschool runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday, but childcare is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The class is limited to 20 kids, half of whom come through the Head Start program which is free for low-income and special-needs students.

Outside art instructors, high school mentors and Kiwanis volunteers participate in group and one-on-one work with the kids.

The school year begins September 17. Students are charged an hourly rate of $1.70 per hour.

To register call 549-2091.


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