News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Camp Sherman woman is rowing champ

Bethanne Kronick.

photo by Conrad Weiler

Camp Sherman resident Bethanne Kronick is a championship rower.

She and teammate Evelyn Hamann, from Portland, hold the world record (19:09.36) for the Head of the Charles three-mile race in their age category (40-47). They set this record in the Boston area's Charles River in 2000.

They are training for this year's event to be held in October.

"This is the biggest rowing event in the world," said Kronick from her Camp Sherman home. "We hope to better our record this year."

Local folks may see her working out at Suttle Lake, keeping in shape for her rowing competition.

Kronick brought home several medals from the recent U.S. Rowing Masters Nationals held on Natoma Lake in Sacramento, California. Some 1,500 participants took part in those events and Kronick scored silver medals in two doubles and two quad (four-person) races in her age group.

She also earned a bronze award in the mixed quad race. These were 1,000-meter events (2/3rds of a mile) and generally have six boats at the starting line.

Participants ranged in age from 27-year-old rowers to the J-class (80-85 years old).

Races are single, double, quad and eights with boat sizes up to 60 feet in length for the eight-member teams.

"Weather, wind and other factors can set up difficulties on the race course," Kronick said.

Kronick started rowing about 13 years ago.

"I had no desire to compete but enjoyed the workout exercise," she said. "Then, after losing my first husband in an auto accident, I decided to start competing in 1993. This was good to get my mind off my tragic loss."

Preparing for rowing events, Kronick does weight training and cross training.

"I also use an ergometer (rowing machine) to keep in shape. This is a non-impact sport and I enjoy the training and competition," she said.


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