News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Library hosts pair of used book sales

Sisters area residents will have two opportunities to find the used and like-new books of their choice at the Friends of the Sisters Library Book Sale this fall in the old library building adjacent to Sisters Library.

The first sale is on October 3 running from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the day of the Sisters in Sisters Celebration.

The next Friends Book Sale will be on October 11, at the same place but with different times: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

"Recycling books has proven to be a big payoff for the Friends of the Sisters Library," said Norma Funai, newsletter editor, past book sale director and present membership chair.

"The first book sale took place in 1986 and the Friends raised over $500," Funai said.

The present Sisters Library, dedicated in 1989, was made possible in part because of the money raised by the Friends.

"One of the payoffs I really enjoy from the book sales is when I see home schooler parents leaving with armloads of textbooks that I know they got at a bargain price," Funai said.

Indeed, there are such a variety of books stacked away in the Old Sisters Library building that it will take two sales to sell them all.

If you're a John Wayne fan, there's a coffee-table book for sale, "The Films of John Wayne," by Mack Ricci and friends. Another heavy-hitter is "At Dawn We Slept," the untold story about Pearl Harbor in 1941, by Gordon W. Prange.

"How to Live with your Teenager" is another lively title. There are a few suggestions on page 43 of what to do if your daughter won't keep her room clean.

In the event you think your teenagers might drive you nuts there's a huge book entitled, "The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy," or if that doesn't work, you can purchase the five-pound volume of "Merck Manual of Medical Information."

There's a mint edition of aerobatics pilot Patty Wagstaff's book, "Fire and Air" -- and it's autographed.

You can buy "Bills, Balls, Bicycles and Actors" for 50 cents, or The National Geographic's wonderful work, "Great Religions of the World."

Dick Francis is well represented, along with Robert Parker and his spicy Spenser mystery books. "Backpacking: One Step at a Time" will be a great help to anyone wanting to hike all the beautiful mountains around Sisters.

Money gleaned from friends of books by Friends book sales has spiraled up to the $4,000 range. Sales have funded new media equipment and shelving, plus rainy-day dollars in the Library Building Fund.

The Deschutes Public Library District is planning to build a new library in Sisters, possibly at the site of the former middle school.


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