News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Jazz festival seeks matching funds

An anonymous benefactor has offered a $10,000 challenge grant to the Sisters Jazz Festival.

According to festival board members Kent Thie and Phil Gerber, the festival has until October 31 to match the $10,000 grant.

The festival board is actively seeking pledges from local business people, out-of-town festival patrons and from the community at large in an effort to take advantage of the funding opportunity.

The challenge grant comes from a Sisters couple that hopes to support and sustain the festival and the educational opportunities it provides for Sisters music students.

"They just really liked what they saw" at the past two festivals, Thie said.

The $10,000 grant and the matching funds will place the festival on a sound financial footing.

"It'll give us a much-needed working capital base," Thie said.

Gerber emphasized that the festival board does not plan on simply spending the funds. The board hopes to use the funds to enhance marketing and merchandising efforts that will make the festival thrive, replenishing the capital base.

"We're really looking at this as a one-time investment," Thie said.

Gerber uses the term investment literally. He believes that events such as the jazz festival, the Sisters Folk Festival and other cultural events are vital to the economic health of the community, bringing tourists and repeat visitors who may even seek to make their homes here.

"It's these events... that make Sisters economically viable," he said.

Those interested in contributing matching funds may send a check to Sisters Jazz Festival, P.O. Box 248, Sisters, OR 97759. For more information call 549-1332 or visit the website at


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