News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Annual food basket program starts up

Sisters Kiwani Clubs, Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District and The Nugget Newspaper are launching their annual program to furnish food and gifts for families in need living in the Sisters School District.

Applications for assistance can be picked up at the Kiwanis house at the corner of Oak Street and Main Avenue, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and at churches in the Sisters area.

Applicants must meet the same guidelines as food bank recipients, but do not need to be food bank recipients.

The deadline for returning applications is December 12. Applications may be dropped off at the Kiwanis House or mailed to the Sisters Kiwanis at PO Box 1296, Sisters, OR 97759.

A card will be mailed stating the time to pick up food, gifts and pet food on Monday, December 22.

Each family will receive food for a complete Christmas dinner.

Because all the food is purchased by the Kiwanis, cash donations would be appreciated. Food donations will also be accepted.

Gifts should be delivered to the Sisters Fire Hall and dry dog and cat food should be delivered to The Nugget office at 442 E. Main Ave.

Last year 103 families and their pets were served at Christmas and the number is expected to increase this year.


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