News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.

To the Editor:

Healthy Forest Legislation:

Along with then-visiting President Bush, my family and I were driven from Camp Sherman, by a wildfire known as the B&B Complex Fire.

I think that we should rename the fire the Senator Tom Daschle Memorial Wildfire. I am sure that the people in California could think of some other destructive fires that might be named for senators.

Yours truly,

Ray A. Babb

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To the Editor:

Three Camp Fire members from Sisters High School -- Kimberly Wilson, Kristol Kolb and Gennifer King -- would like to thank Sisters Elementary School for giving us the opportunity to work with students on a community service project.

We would also like to thank Mr. Hewitt for allowing us to use his class time and his students to accomplish an amazing goal of service and lifting up those in need. Thanks to the students for their willingness to help and great attitudes about working together.

Thank you to the parents for volunteering to help build birdhouses and making sure their children had all of the materials needed. Thank you to the merchants who helped provide materials.

Gennifer King


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