News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Donated books arrive at school library

Miles Johnston is just one of the students who will benefit from his father's contribution to the school library. photo by Charlie Kanzig

The new Sisters High School library shelves got considerably fuller last month with the arrival of a major book order made possible by a donation from a Sisters man.

Lynn Johnston wanted to make a gift to honor his parents and felt that adding to the book collection at the Sisters High School library would be the most fitting way to thank his mother and father for the values of hard work and education that they instilled in him.

His $7,500 contribution allowed media specialist Sue Beck and media manager Tedi Shawver to make the largest single book order since the high school re-opened in 1992.

The books arrived in mid-February and have bolstered the library's offerings significantly, according to Beck.

"We were able to purchase a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction titles," said Beck. "It is a tremendous addition to our library that students and staff will enjoy for many years to come."

Beck and Shawver created the order using many resources, including professional catalogs, staff recommendations, a list compiled by Follett Library Company, and other reading lists, and ended up with over 300 new books. For some of the most popular books more than one copy was purchased.

"I was so excited when the books arrived," said Shawver. "They are gorgeous. I am so grateful that I live and work in community which is so supportive of our school district."

With the help of student aides Tyler Schild, Alex Christensen and Chris Stahn, all of the books have been catalogued and are ready for check-out.

Johnston visited the library after the books arrived and was very pleased with the purchase.

Johnston's parents, Ruth and Robert Johnston, reside in Eugene. Johnston and his wife Vicki live in Tollgate with their two youngest sons, Miles and Drew.

Their eldest son, Wes, attends Oregon State University Cascades campus.


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