News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters, letters, letters

The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.

To The Editor:

I read a letter to the editor about Iraq last week that said "high-profile terrorists were found there and a huge terrorist training camp was shut down."

There was a group of Islamic extremists hiding out in the northeast mountains at the fringe of the Kurdish area but, to my knowledge, no high-profile terrorists have been found in Iraq, there were no training bases, and Saddam Hussein did not support Al Qaeda.

Both high-profile terrorists and training bases did exist in Afghanistan, however. One might ask how is Afghanistan doing, since that's where the center of terrorist activity was? Would you be surprised to know that the country is not stabilized more than two years after we went in there? That in recent months 11 aid workers have been killed by extremists? That financial pledges have been extremely slow to arrive, including those from the U.S.? That the government of President Karzai controls little more than Kabul? That the Taliban still exists and is expanding its influence? That opium production is up substantially?

President Bush apparently doesn't see Afghanistan as much of a priority. But, much worse than that, is the absence of an intelligent plan for Afghanistan, Iraq, or the "war" against terrorism in general.

There's a poem about soldiers who fought in the Crimean War called "The Charge of the Light Brigade." "...Cannons to the right of them, cannons to the left..." Six hundred went in, but very few came out. The commanders who sent those soldiers to their deaths were incompetent. The soldiers were brave, but their lives were lost in vain ­ they were betrayed by those in charge.

Currently, President Bush has created more terrorists than we've killed. He has created enemies of the United States all over the Middle East. He has alienated longtime friends with his arrogance and simplistic ideological policies.

I would not want my daughters to go into war with this sort of commanding officer. I feel sad that our soldiers and the military in general are being used badly. They deserve better. So does our country.

Steve Bryan


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To the Editor,

Until the President sets a worthy example by respecting international law and basic human rights everywhere, prison MPs and interrogators under his command are unlikely to steer clear of the legal and ethical swamps of torture and other war crimes.

Contempt for international law and world opinion is at the core of the Bush Administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq. Their disregard for the legal rights of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo is well known.

Adding to the problem is White House rhetoric demonizing Iraqi resistance fighters and other opponents of Bush foreign policy.

When the commander-in-chief routinely describes these people in dehumanizing language, is it any wonder that some U.S. soldiers feel free to abuse them?

Each U.S. citizen, as well as our civic and religious organizations, would be wise to take a clear stand on this serious issue, lest we find ourselves counted as collaborators in crimes against humanity.

Bill Stevens

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To the Editor:

My family and I feel compelled to write and express our humble gratitude for the way in which the students of Sisters High School have treated our family.

On February 16, 2003 my daughter Hannah was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia.

Our daughter was "adopted" by your high school in conjunction with Sparrow Clubs, and Hannah was their "sparrow" for the 2003 school year.

Despite the rapidly closing school year, your children fulfilled their obligation to the Sparrow program guidelines in only a few short weeks.

These young adults not only lived up to their pledges to the program, but also took the time to forge a personal bond with our family as well.

While they were under no obligation to continue their relationship with our family into this school year, they have steadfastly continued to care about and support my daughter and our family.

They have so completely surpassed the comittments of the program, they have effectively rendered them meaningless. In other words, they have shown character and integrity of the highest order.

Humanity is a function of maturity and obviously not one of age.

We have felt many blessings amidst a year of chaos, but none more meaningful than the love we have felt being amongst your children. The Sisters High School Outlaws stood up for us first and continue to stand the loudest. There can be nothing more powerfully poignant than kids caring for kids. Thank you to Principal Bob Macauley, the high school staff, and the leadership council, for your inspired direction.

We would also like to thank our friends at Rhino Realty for their continued support of the Sparrow program.

We are forever grateful.

Your children are an amazing reflection of your community, a community we are proud to have been made to feel a part of.

Very sincerely,

Daniel Pite and the Pite family

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To the Editor:

A special thanks to all of you who helped make my Krispy Kreme donut fund-raiser for Patty Kolb a huge success! With your help I sold 300 dozen donuts.

There is just one more fund-raiser (and) when it is finished, Patty will be able to dance with her father at her parents' 50th wedding anniversary. She will also be able to sit in the bleachers to watch her children play sports. I will keep you updated on her progress.

Thank you,

Bobbie Tafte

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To the Editor:

As we all know, we are "donated to death" in Sisters, but how many "thank yous" do we actually get back in return? Kudos to the Black Butte School District in Camp Sherman, the kids actually came back with a thank you signed by all the children, for their fund-raiser and spaghetti feed.

They will definitely get a larger donation from me next year.

Thank you,

Darla Tramondo


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