News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Country Fair was crowd pleaser

Agnes Warren dishes up marionberry cobbler at the fair. photo by Jim Cornelius Though thunder clouds loomed overhead, nothing could dampen the spirits of the hundreds of local folks and visitors who turned out for the ninth annual Country Fair at Sisters Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration.

A large cadre of volunteers was highly visible in red aprons -- taking food orders, turning plump hot dogs on the grill, dishing up marionberry cobbler and keeping events running smoothly.

Roger Gabrielson handled sound reinforcement and Master of Ceremonies duties, calling the cakewalk where children and adults circled from station to station to the tune of "House at Pooh Corner." Winners earned gift certificates donated by local businesses.

Mark Kershner sang popular tunes, followed by Paul Stark and Friends with some classic Americana music.

The art show was well attended by fair-goers and some artists or their representatives were on hand to discuss their work. Woodcarver Oscar Spliid offered a detailed description of the intricacies of some of the works.

The Country Fair offered a day of old-fashioned fun while raising funds for the outreach programs of the church.


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