News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Local option has strong lead, Boyd appears to win council seat

Supporters of a four-year local option tax to support school operations appeared to be headed toward a convincing victory Tuesday night, November 2.

In the race for Sisters City Council, it appeared that businessman Brad Boyd would beat out John Rahm to earn a seat on the council along with incumbent councilors Judy Trego and Dave Elliott.

The local option tax is a continuation of an assessment originally approved by voters in November 2000 of 75 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value.

The measure had 54 percent of the vote to 43 percent opposed in preliminary results at 9 p.m.

"I think the citizens of Sisters have made a statement that they value the education of their children," said school board chairman Glen Lasken. A small crowd of supporters at Bronco Billy's Ranch Grill & Saloon burst into cheers as the preliminary numbers were announced.

School board member praised the efforts of the "Yes" campaign volunteers and particularly campaign chairman Mike Gould.

"I've got to thank Mike Gould for doing an excellent, excellent job," Reed said.

Some 50 volunteers went door-to-door and made phone calls urging voters to support the measure, which is expected to bring some $800,000 per year into the school budget.

Local option has kept Sisters school programs viable in the face of state funding cuts. Without the local option funds, educators agree, cuts would be deep and severe.

In the city council race, Judy Trego led the polling with 19.58 percent of the vote; Dave Elliott and Brad Boyd each showed 16.24 percent while Rahm polled 12.63. The top three vote-getters will serve on the council. The mayor will be appointed by the council.

Elliott is currently mayor.

For complete election results go to


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